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Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud


Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud

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2 ore 15 minuti Introduttivi universal_currency_alt No cost

Cloud technology can bring great value to an organization, and combining the power of cloud technology with data has the potential to unlock even more value and create new customer experiences.

“Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud” explores the value data can bring to an organization and ways Google Cloud can make data useful and accessible.

Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

Completa questa attività e ottieni un badge! Fai un passo avanti nella tua carriera nel cloud mostrando a tutti le tue nuove capacità.

Badge per Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud
Informazioni corso
  • Examine the value of data and how it affects customer experiences.
  • Explore the different Google Cloud data management solutions that are available.
  • Learn about the ways Google Cloud products have made data more useful and accessible to a workforce.
Any business professional or team in an organization interested in learning about cloud, data, and Google Cloud technology.
Lingue disponibili
English, français, 日本語, עברית, español (Latinoamérica) e português (Brasil)
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Al termine di un corso, guadagnerai un badge di completamento. I badge possono essere visualizzati sul tuo profilo e condivisi sul tuo social network.
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Esplora i contenuti di Google Cloud su Coursera e Pluralsight.
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