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Google Workspace Mail Management


Google Workspace Mail Management

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6 horas Introdutório universal_currency_alt No cost

Google Workspace Mail Management is the fourth course in the Google Workspace Administration series.

In this course you will learn how to protect your organization against spam, spoofing, phishing and malware attacks. You will configure email compliance and learn how to implement data loss prevention (DLP) for your organization. You will gain an understanding of the mail routing options available and learn how to allowlist and block senders. You will also become familiar with other mail options such as inbound and outbound gateways, 3rd party email archiving, and journaling to Vault.

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Selo para Google Workspace Mail Management
Informações sobre o curso
  • Protect your users from inbound phishing and harmful software (malware).
  • Control which end user access features are available to users.
  • Apply the various compliance features provided in Google Workspace.
  • Use the mail routing options available to Google Workspace administrators.

You should have completed the Introduction to Google Workspace, Managing Google Workspace, and Google Workspace Security courses.

Google Workspace Administrators
Idiomas disponíveis
English and 日本語
O que eu faço quando terminar o curso?
Ao final do curso, você pode navegar pelo conteúdo complementar do programa de aprendizado ou conferir nosso catálogo.
Quais selos eu posso ganhar?
Ao terminar um curso, você receberá um selo de conclusão. Os selos são exibidos no seu perfil e podem ser compartilhados nas suas redes sociais.
Tem interesse em participar desse curso com um dos nossos parceiros?
Confira o conteúdo do Google Cloud no Coursera e no Pluralsight.
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