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Developing Applications with Cloud Functions on Google Cloud


Developing Applications with Cloud Functions on Google Cloud

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In this course, you learn about Cloud Functions, Google's serverless, fully-managed functions as a service (FaaS) product that lets you implement single-purpose function code that reponds to HTTP requests and events from your cloud infrastructure.

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Odznaka za ukończenie szkolenia Developing Applications with Cloud Functions on Google Cloud
Informacje o szkoleniu
  • Recognize the benefits of and use cases for Cloud Functions in modern application development.
  • Understand how to build, test and deploy Cloud Functions.
  • Secure and connect Cloud Functions to resources, and cloud databases.
  • Use best practices with Cloud Functions.
Wymagania wstępne
Knowledge of Google Cloud console, gcloud CLI and basic programming experience in Node.js or Python. Some understanding of other Google Cloud services that include Cloud Storage, and PubSub. Understanding of HTTP and experience with using HTTP client tools like curl.
Partners and customers who want to learn about using Cloud Functions and improve their application development skills on Google Cloud.
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