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Production Machine Learning Systems


Production Machine Learning Systems

magic_button Machine Learning Model Training Machine Learning Operations Machine Learning Models
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This course covers how to implement the various flavors of production ML systems— static, dynamic, and continuous training; static and dynamic inference; and batch and online processing. You delve into TensorFlow abstraction levels, the various options for doing distributed training, and how to write distributed training models with custom estimators.

This is the second course of the Advanced Machine Learning on Google Cloud series. After completing this course, enroll in the Image Understanding with TensorFlow on Google Cloud course.

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Info Kursus
  • Compare static versus dynamic training and inference
  • Manage model dependencies
  • Set up distributed training for fault tolerance, replication, and more
  • Export models for portability
Basic SQL, familiarity with Python and TensorFlow
Data Engineers and programmers interested in learning how to apply machine learning in practice. Anyone interested in learning how to leverage machine learning in their enterprise.
Bahasa yang tersedia
English, español (Latinoamérica), français, 日本語, dan português (Brasil)
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