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Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML


Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML

magic_button Data Engineering Machine Learning Data Pipelines
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Complete the intermediate Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: building data transformation pipelines to BigQuery using Dataprep by Trifacta; using Cloud Storage, Dataflow, and BigQuery to build extract, transform, and load (ETL) workflows; building machine learning models using BigQuery ML; and using Cloud Composer to copy data across multiple locations.

A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge course, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

Selesaikan aktivitas ini dan dapatkan badge! Tingkatkan karier cloud Anda dengan menunjukkan keahlian yang telah Anda kembangkan kepada dunia.

Badge untuk Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML
Info Kursus
Prior to enrolling in this skill badge course, it is recommended that you complete the the following course:
Bahasa yang tersedia
English, español (Latinoamérica), français, 日本語, dan português (Brasil)
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Badge apa yang bisa saya dapatkan?
Setelah menyelesaikan kursus, Anda akan mendapatkan badge kelulusan. Badge dapat dilihat di profil dan dibagikan di jaringan sosial Anda.
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Jelajahi konten Google Cloud di Coursera dan Pluralsight.
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