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Securing your Network with Cloud Armor


Securing your Network with Cloud Armor

magic_button Cloud Security Cloud Armor Cloud Security Posture Management
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5 horas 45 minutos Introductorio universal_currency_alt 9 créditos
Learn to secure your deployments on Google Cloud, including: how to use Cloud Armor bot management to mitigate bot risk and control access from automated clients; use Cloud Armor denylists to restrict or allow access to your HTTP(S) load balancer at the edge of the Google Cloud; apply Cloud Armor security policies to restrict access to cache objects on Cloud CDN and Google Cloud Storage; and mitigate common vulnerabilities using Cloud Armor WAF rules.

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Insignia de Securing your Network with Cloud Armor
Información del curso
Requisitos previos
Basic knowledge of networking, cybersecurity, and knowing how to move around the Google Cloud Platform, is recommended.
Idiomas disponibles
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¿Qué insignias puedo obtener?
Cuando complete un curso, obtendrá una insignia de finalización. Puede ver las insignias en su perfil y compartirlas en sus redes sociales.
¿Le interesa realizar este curso con uno de nuestros socios a pedido?
Explore el contenido de Google Cloud en Coursera y Pluralsight.
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