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Gemini for Cloud Architects

Gemini for Cloud Architects

1시간 입문 universal_currency_alt No cost

In this course, you learn how Gemini, a generative AI-powered collaborator from Google Cloud, helps administrators provision infrastructure. You learn how to prompt Gemini to explain infrastructure, deploy GKE clusters and update existing infrastructure. Using a hands-on lab, you experience how Gemini improves the GKE deployment workflow.

Duet AI was renamed to Gemini, our next-generation model.

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Gemini for Cloud Architects 배지
과정 정보
  • Prompt Gemini to provide commands that you can use to deploy a basic app to a GKE cluster.
  • Create, explore, and modify a GKE cluster by using Gemini to explain and generate shell commands.
기본 요건


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