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Transform and Clean your Data with Dataprep by Alteryx on Google Cloud

Transform and Clean your Data with Dataprep by Alteryx on Google Cloud

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6 godz. 30 godz. Średnio zaawansowany universal_currency_alt Punkty: 17
Dataprep is Google's self-service data preparation tool built in collaboration with Alteryx. Learn the basics of cleaning and preparing data for analysis and visualization, all in the Google ecosystem. In this quest, you will learn how to connect Dataprep to your data in Cloud Storage and BigQuery, clean data using the interactive UI, profile the data, and publish your results back into the Google ecosystem. You will learn the basics of data transformation, including filtering values, reshaping the data, combining multiple datasets, deriving new values, and aggregating your dataset.

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Odznaka za ukończenie szkolenia Transform and Clean your Data with Dataprep by Alteryx on Google Cloud
Informacje o szkoleniu
  • Understand what is Data Preparation for modern analytics
  • How Dataprep is positioned in the Google Cloud Smart Analytics Suite
  • Assess data quality with Dataprep Profiling
  • Transform, filter, reshape, combine, calculate, aggregate data visually
  • Schedule Dataprep jobs to transform data for BigQuery
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