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Seif Elmughrabi

Miembro desde 2018

Insignia de Deployment & Management Deployment & Management Earned nov 11, 2020 EST
Insignia de [DEPRECATED] Deploying Applications [DEPRECATED] Deploying Applications Earned feb 11, 2020 EST
Insignia de [DEPRECATED] OK Google: Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant [DEPRECATED] OK Google: Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant Earned sep 18, 2019 EDT
Insignia de Google Cloud Essentials Google Cloud Essentials Earned ago 22, 2019 EDT

In this quest, you’ll learn to work with services related to Deployment and Management, including AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS OpsWorks.

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The Google Cloud Platform provides many different frameworks and options to fit your application’s needs. In this introductory-level quest, you will get plenty of hands-on practice deploying sample applications on Google App Engine. You will also dive into other web application frameworks like Firebase, Wordpress, and Node.js and see firsthand how they can be integrated with Google Cloud.

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With Google Assistant part of over a billion consumer devices, this quest teaches you how to build practical Google Assistant applications integrated with Google Cloud services via APIs. Example apps will use the Dialogflow conversational suite and the Actions and Cloud Functions frameworks. You will build 5 different applications that explore useful and fun tools you can extend on your own. No hardware required! These labs use the cloud-based Google Assistant simulator environment for developing and testing, but if you do have your own device, such as a Google Home or a Google Hub, additional instructions are provided on how to deploy your apps to your own hardware.

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En esta Quest de nivel básico, adquirirá experiencia práctica en las herramientas y los servicios fundamentales de Google Cloud Platform. GCP Essentials es la primera Quest recomendada para el estudiante de Google Cloud. Ingresará con poco o ningún conocimiento previo sobre la nube, y saldrá con experiencia práctica que podrá aplicar a su primer proyecto de GCP. Desde la escritura de comandos de Cloud Shell y la implementación de su primera máquina virtual hasta la ejecución de aplicaciones en Kubernetes Engine o mediante el balanceo de cargas, GCP Essentials es una excelente introducción a las funciones básicas de la plataforma. En los videos de 1 minuto, se le explicarán los conceptos clave de cada lab.

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