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Tushar Jayant

Miembro desde 2021

Liga de Bronce

1200 puntos
Insignia de Halloween 2022 Challenge Halloween 2022 Challenge Earned oct 31, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Diwali Game 4: Firecrackers and Firebase Diwali Game 4: Firecrackers and Firebase Earned oct 27, 2022 EDT
Insignia de  Diwali Game 3: Flowers and Flutter Diwali Game 3: Flowers and Flutter Earned oct 25, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Diwali Game 2: Lanterns and Looker Diwali Game 2: Lanterns and Looker Earned oct 24, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Diwali Game 1: Rangoli and Google Sheets Diwali Game 1: Rangoli and Google Sheets Earned oct 23, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Scaling with Google Cloud Operations - Español Scaling with Google Cloud Operations - Español Earned sep 28, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud - Español Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud - Español Earned sep 28, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud - Español Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud - Español Earned sep 28, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Digital Transformation with Google Cloud - Español Digital Transformation with Google Cloud - Español Earned sep 28, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge: Machine Learning Engineering Skills Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge: Machine Learning Engineering Skills Earned jul 6, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge: Data Analyst Skills Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge: Data Analyst Skills Earned jul 6, 2022 EDT
Insignia de Learn to Earn Cloud Security Challenge: Bonus Learn to Earn Cloud Security Challenge: Bonus Earned ene 30, 2022 EST
Insignia de Learn to Earn Cloud Security Challenge: Level 3 Learn to Earn Cloud Security Challenge: Level 3 Earned ene 22, 2022 EST
Insignia de Learn to Earn Cloud Security Challenge: Level 1 Learn to Earn Cloud Security Challenge: Level 1 Earned ene 22, 2022 EST
Insignia de Learn to Earn Cloud Security Challenge: Level 2 Learn to Earn Cloud Security Challenge: Level 2 Earned ene 21, 2022 EST
Insignia de Google Cloud Essentials Google Cloud Essentials Earned dic 13, 2021 EST
Insignia de Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud Earned nov 4, 2021 EDT
Insignia de Diwali with Qwiklabs 2021 Diwali with Qwiklabs 2021 Earned nov 3, 2021 EDT
Insignia de G Suite: Integraciones G Suite: Integraciones Earned oct 30, 2021 EDT
Insignia de DEPRECATED Explore Machine Learning Models with Explainable AI DEPRECATED Explore Machine Learning Models with Explainable AI Earned oct 29, 2021 EDT
Insignia de Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud Earned oct 29, 2021 EDT
Insignia de Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge: Architecture Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge: Architecture Earned sep 28, 2021 EDT
Insignia de Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge: Essentials Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge: Essentials Earned sep 28, 2021 EDT
Insignia de Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge: Data+ Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge: Data+ Earned sep 28, 2021 EDT

Moving to the cloud can be scary. You don’t have to do it alone! Google Cloud partners are here to help. Join the challenge and get hands-on experience with how the partner ecosystem can help clear the creepy fog and light your way.

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Why celebrate Diwali with firecrackers when you can use Firebase? Learn how to import data into a Firestore database, create a build pipeline with Cloud Build to automate deployments, and build a Google Assistant application. Earn the badge for an arcade point and get one step closer to your swag goal. (OK fine, firecrackers are fun too.)

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Are you feeling the festive vibes? Add some Flutter to your flowers when you join this game. Get hands-on experience with Flutter - Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Earn the badge for an arcade point and get one step closer to your swag goal. Bonus- You’ll also earn the Flutter Essentials badge! 

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Like lanterns on the streets of cities, Looker shines light on data to give deeper insights. Join this game to learn how to write LookML code to create new dimensions and measures, create derived tables and join them to Explores, filter Explores, and define caching policies in LookML. Earn the badge for an arcade point and get one step closer to your swag goal.

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When the edges are crisp, the pattern flows, the colors sparkle, and the symmetry is perfect… wait, are we talking about Rangoli or spreadsheets? See what beauty Google Sheets can bring to your monthly reports. Join the game to learn how to analyze data with functions and visualize data using charts.  Earn the badge for an arcade point and get one step closer to your swag goal.

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Organizaciones de todos los tamaños están aprovechando la potencia y flexibilidad de la nube para transformar sus operaciones. Sin embargo, administrar y escalar eficazmente los recursos en la nube puede ser una tarea compleja. En Scaling with Google Cloud Operations, se exploran los conceptos fundamentales de las operaciones modernas, la confiabilidad y la resiliencia en la nube, y cómo Google Cloud puede ayudar con esas tareas. Como parte de la ruta de aprendizaje de Cloud Digital Leader, el objetivo de este curso es ayudar a las personas a crecer en su rol y desarrollar el futuro de su empresa.

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Muchas empresas tradicionales usan aplicaciones y sistemas heredados que no pueden adecuarse a las expectativas de los clientes actuales. A menudo los líderes empresariales deben elegir entre mantener sus sistemas de TI anticuados o invertir en nuevos productos y servicios. En “Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud”, se exploran estos desafíos y se ofrecen soluciones para superarlos con la tecnología de la nube. Como parte de la ruta de aprendizaje de Cloud Digital Leader, el objetivo de este curso es ayudar a las personas a crecer en su rol y desarrollar el futuro de su empresa.

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La tecnología de Cloud puede aportar un gran valor a una organización y, si la combinamos con datos, podemos generar aún más valor y crear nuevas experiencias para los clientes.En “Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud”, se explora el valor que los datos pueden aportar a una organización y las formas en que Google Cloud puede hacer que estos sean útiles y accesibles.Como parte de la ruta de aprendizaje de Cloud Digital Leader, el objetivo de este curso es ayudar a las personas a crecer en su rol y desarrollar el futuro de su empresa.

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Existe mucho entusiasmo sobre la tecnología de la nube y la transformación digital, pero también muchas preguntas sin respuesta. Por ejemplo: ¿Qué es la tecnología de la nube? ¿Qué significa transformación digital? ¿De qué manera puede ser útil la tecnología de la nube para la organización? ¿Cómo se puede comenzar? Si te has hecho alguna de esas preguntas, estás en el lugar indicado. En este curso, se proporciona una descripción general de los tipos de oportunidades y desafíos a los que las empresas suelen enfrentarse en su recorrido de transformación digital. Si quieres aprender sobre la tecnología de la nube para sobresalir en tu rol y ayudar a desarrollar el futuro de tu empresa, entonces este curso introductorio sobre transformación digital es para ti. Este curso es parte de la ruta de aprendizaje de Cloud Digital Leader.

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These labs help you get started with the skills you need to develop and train ML models. At the end of each lab, you’ll have hands-on experience with one or more of Google Cloud’s powerful data tools. Complete this game to earn a badge, and you’ll be one step closer to completing the challenge. Race the clock to increase your score and watch your name rise on the leaderboard!

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Welcome to the Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge! These labs help you get started with data analysis skills. At the end of each lab, you’ll have hands-on experience with one or more of Google Cloud’s powerful data tools. Complete this game to earn a badge, and you’ll be one step closer to completing the challenge. Race the clock to increase your score and watch your name rise on the leaderboard!

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Unlock even more cloud security skills with the bonus level! It’s OK to take a lab more than once to achieve a great score. Complete this game to earn the bonus game badge. Race the clock to increase your score and watch your name rise on the leaderboard!

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These labs will challenge you to explore advanced cloud security scenarios. It’s OK to take a lab more than once to achieve a great score. Complete this game to earn the Level 3 game badge, and you'll be one step closer to completing the challenge. Race the clock to increase your score and watch your name rise on the leaderboard!

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These labs help you get started with cloud security basics. At the end of each lab, you'll have hands-on experience with securing your cloud. Complete this game to earn the Level 1 game badge, and you'll be one step closer to completing the challenge. Race the clock to increase your score and watch your name rise on the leaderboard!

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These labs will give you a deeper understanding of security features in the cloud. These labs are a little more challenging. It’s OK to take a lab more than once to achieve a great score. Complete this game to earn the Level 2 game badge, and you'll be one step closer to completing the challenge. Race the clock to increase your score and watch your name rise on the leaderboard!

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En esta Quest de nivel básico, adquirirá experiencia práctica en las herramientas y los servicios fundamentales de Google Cloud Platform. GCP Essentials es la primera Quest recomendada para el estudiante de Google Cloud. Ingresará con poco o ningún conocimiento previo sobre la nube, y saldrá con experiencia práctica que podrá aplicar a su primer proyecto de GCP. Desde la escritura de comandos de Cloud Shell y la implementación de su primera máquina virtual hasta la ejecución de aplicaciones en Kubernetes Engine o mediante el balanceo de cargas, GCP Essentials es una excelente introducción a las funciones básicas de la plataforma. En los videos de 1 minuto, se le explicarán los conceptos clave de cada lab.

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Las herramientas de redes son un tema esencial de la computación en la nube: son la estructura subyacente de GCP y conectan todos sus recursos y servicios entre sí. En esta Quest de nivel básico, se abordarán los servicios esenciales de herramientas de redes de GCP y obtendrá experiencia práctica en herramientas especializadas para desarrollar redes consolidadas. En Networking in the Google Cloud, aprenderá desde los pormenores de las VPC hasta la creación de balanceadores de cargas de nivel empresarial. Esta Quest le proporcionará la experiencia práctica necesaria para empezar a compilar redes sólidas de inmediato. Completa esta búsqueda, incluido el laboratorio de desafío al final, para recibir una insignia digital exclusiva de Google Cloud.

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Celebrate Diwali by learning new skills and earning new credentials! Get hands-on experience with Google Cloud’s powerful Networking, DevOps, and Machine Learning tools. Complete the labs one by one. The faster you complete the lab objectives, the higher your score. You can take each lab up to 5 times. Good luck!

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En esta Quest de labs prácticos, se demuestra cómo integrar los servicios y las herramientas de Google Cloud Platform con aplicaciones de G Suite. Mediante tecnologías de integración, como Apps Script y el entorno de líneas de comando Clasp, creará y publicará aplicaciones web y complementos para productos de G Suite: Hojas de cálculo, Documentos, Formularios y Presentaciones. Con App Maker, compilará una aplicación lista para usar que tendrá una base de datos de Google Cloud SQL, estará integrada con Google Maps y tendrá un diseño responsivo para dispositivos móviles. Contiene otros labs que crean conexiones directas a las fuentes de datos de GCP mediante la API de BigQuery, Hojas de cálculo y Presentaciones para recopilar, analizar y presentar datos.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Explore Machine Learning Models with Explainable AI quest, where you will learn how to do the following using Explainable AI: build and deploy a model to an AI platform for serving (prediction), use the What-If Tool with an image recognition model, identify bias in mortgage data using the What-If Tool, and compare models using the What-If Tool to identify potential bias. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge quest and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Los macrodatos, el aprendizaje automático y la inteligencia artificial son temas informáticos populares en la actualidad; sin embargo, estos campos son muy especializados y es difícil conseguir material básico. Afortunadamente, GCP ofrece servicios fáciles de usar en estas áreas y Qwiklabs le proporciona esta Quest de nivel básico para que pueda dar sus primeros pasos con herramientas como BigQuery, API de Cloud Speech y Cloud ML Engine. Completa esta búsqueda, incluido el laboratorio de desafío al final, para recibir una insignia digital exclusiva de Google Cloud. En los videos de 1 minuto, se le explicarán los conceptos clave de cada lab.

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Welcome to the Learn To Earn Cloud Challenge architecture track! These eight labs give you a blueprint of GCP's building blocks. At the end of each lab, you'll have hands-on experience with another tool or service to add to your resume. Complete this game to earn the Architecture game badge, and you'll be one step closer to collecting all four Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge badges (see "what's next" below for more information). Race the clock to increase your score and watch your name rise on the leaderboard. Good luck!

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Welcome to the Learn To Earn Cloud Challenge! These eight labs give you a quick hands-on introduction to eight different GCP tools and services. At the end of each lab, you'll have another skill to add to your list. Complete this game to earn the Essentials game badge, and you'll be one step closer to collecting all four Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge badges (see "what's next" below for more information). Race the clock to increase your score and watch your name rise on the leaderboard. Good luck!

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Welcome to the Learn To Earn Cloud Challenge data plus track! "The Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer certification is associated with the highest paying salary in IT," according to the most recent Global Knowledge skills and salary report (published August 2021). Complete this game to earn the Data Plus game badge, and be eligible for a +bonus+ prize in the Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge. See "what's next" below for details and requirements; you’ll need to earn at least 2 additional challenge badges to qualify. You'll learn next-level data skills to add to your resume. Race the clock to increase your score and watch your name rise on the leaderboard. Good luck!

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