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Matheus Misumoto



7715 积分
Prompt Design in Vertex AI徽章 Prompt Design in Vertex AI Earned Apr 21, 2024 EDT
Introduction to Responsible AI - 简体中文徽章 Introduction to Responsible AI - 简体中文 Earned Apr 16, 2024 EDT
Introduction to Large Language Models - 简体中文徽章 Introduction to Large Language Models - 简体中文 Earned Apr 16, 2024 EDT
Introduction to Generative AI - 简体中文徽章 Introduction to Generative AI - 简体中文 Earned Mar 3, 2024 EST
Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud徽章 Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud Earned Oct 10, 2022 EDT
Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud - Locales徽章 Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud - Locales Earned Oct 9, 2022 EDT
Build a Secure Google Cloud Network徽章 Build a Secure Google Cloud Network Earned Sep 28, 2022 EDT
Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking & Security in Google Cloud - Locales徽章 Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking & Security in Google Cloud - Locales Earned Sep 27, 2022 EDT
基准:基础架构徽章 基准:基础架构 Earned Sep 13, 2022 EDT
Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales徽章 Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales Earned Sep 13, 2022 EDT
Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine徽章 Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Earned Sep 1, 2022 EDT
Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals - Locales徽章 Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals - Locales Earned Aug 30, 2022 EDT
Google Cloud Essentials徽章 Google Cloud Essentials Earned Aug 30, 2022 EDT

Complete the introductory Prompt Design in Vertex AI skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: prompt engineering, image analysis, and multimodal generative techniques, within Vertex AI. Discover how to craft effective prompts, guide generative AI output, and apply Gemini models to real-world marketing scenarios. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


这是一节入门级微课程,旨在解释什么是负责任的 AI、它的重要性,以及 Google 如何在自己的产品中实现负责任的 AI。此外,本课程还介绍了 Google 的 7 个 AI 开发原则。


这是一节入门级微学习课程,探讨什么是大型语言模型 (LLM)、适合的应用场景以及如何使用提示调整来提升 LLM 性能。该课程还介绍了可以帮助您开发自己的 Gen AI 应用的各种 Google 工具。


这是一节入门级微课程,旨在解释什么是生成式 AI、它的用途以及与传统机器学习方法的区别。该课程还介绍了可以帮助您开发自己的生成式 AI 应用的各种 Google 工具。


Complete the introductory Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: cleaning data with Dataprep by Trifacta, running data pipelines in Dataflow, creating clusters and running Apache Spark jobs in Dataproc, and calling ML APIs including the Cloud Natural Language API, Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API, and Video Intelligence API. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


This course, Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud - Locales, is intended for non-English learners. If you want to take this course in English, please enroll in Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud. The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for individuals with little to no background or experience in cloud computing. They provide an overview of concepts central to cloud basics, big data, and machine learning, and where and how Google Cloud fits in. By the end of the series of courses, learners will be able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills. The courses should be completed in the following order: 1. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals 2. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud 3. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud 4. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Googl…


Earn a skill badge by completing the Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud course, where you will learn about multiple networking-related resources to build, scale, and secure your applications on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


This course, Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking & Security in Google Cloud - Locales, is intended for non-English learners. If you want to take this course in English, please enroll in Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking & Security in Google Cloud. The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for individuals with little to no background or experience in cloud computing. They provide an overview of concepts central to cloud basics, big data, and machine learning, and where and how Google Cloud fits in. By the end of the series of courses, learners will be able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills. The courses should be completed in the following order: 1. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals 2. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud 3. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud 4. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Dat…


如果您是新手云开发人员,希望在GCP Essentials之外寻求动手实践,那么此任务适合您。通过深入研究Cloud Storage和其他关键应用程序服务(如Stackdriver和Cloud Functions)的实验室,您将获得实践经验。通过执行此任务,您将开发适用于任何GCP计划的宝贵技能。 1分钟的视频向您介绍这些实验室的关键概念。


This course, Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales, is intended for non-English learners. If you want to take this course in English, please enroll in Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud. The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for individuals with little to no background or experience in cloud computing. They provide an overview of concepts central to cloud basics, big data, and machine learning, and where and how Google Cloud fits in. By the end of the series of courses, learners will be able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills. The courses should be completed in the following order: 1. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals 2. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud 3. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud 4. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google C…


Complete the introductory Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: writing gcloud commands and using Cloud Shell, creating and deploying virtual machines in Compute Engine, and configuring network and HTTP load balancers. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


This course, Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals - Locales, is intended for non-English learners. If you want to take this course in English, please enroll in Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals .The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for individuals with little to no background or experience in cloud computing. They provide an overview of concepts central to cloud basics, big data, and machine learning, and where and how Google Cloud fits in. By the end of the series of courses, learners will be able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills. The courses should be completed in the following order: 1. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals 2. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud 3. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud 4. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud …


在此入门级挑战任务中,您可以使用 Google Cloud Platform 的基本工具和服务,开展真枪实弹的操作实训。“GCP 基本功能”是我们为 Google Cloud 学员推荐的第一项挑战任务。云知识储备微乎其微甚至零基础?不用担心!这项挑战任务会为您提供真枪实弹的实操经验,助您快速上手 GCP 项目。无论是要编写 Cloud Shell 命令还是部署您的第一台虚拟机,亦或是通过负载平衡机制或在 Kubernetes Engine 上运行应用,都可以通过“GCP 基本功能”了解该平台的基本功能之精要。点此观看 1 分钟视频,了解每个实验涉及的主要概念。
