参加 ログイン

陳 琮霖

メンバー加入日: 2022


48500 ポイント
Kubernetes in Google Cloud のバッジ Kubernetes in Google Cloud Earned 7月 20, 2022 EDT
Flutter Development のバッジ Flutter Development Earned 7月 20, 2022 EDT
Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud のバッジ Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud Earned 7月 19, 2022 EDT
BigQuery for Machine Learning のバッジ BigQuery for Machine Learning Earned 7月 17, 2022 EDT
Create ML Models with BigQuery ML のバッジ Create ML Models with BigQuery ML Earned 7月 11, 2022 EDT
機械学習API のバッジ 機械学習API Earned 7月 11, 2022 EDT
Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Service のバッジ Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Service Earned 7月 10, 2022 EDT
[DEPRECATED] Data Engineering のバッジ [DEPRECATED] Data Engineering Earned 7月 9, 2022 EDT
Intermediate ML: TensorFlow on Google Cloud のバッジ Intermediate ML: TensorFlow on Google Cloud Earned 7月 6, 2022 EDT
TensorFlow on Google Cloud - 日本語版 のバッジ TensorFlow on Google Cloud - 日本語版 Earned 7月 3, 2022 EDT
Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud のバッジ Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud Earned 6月 30, 2022 EDT
Build a Secure Google Cloud Network のバッジ Build a Secure Google Cloud Network Earned 6月 30, 2022 EDT
DevOps Essentials のバッジ DevOps Essentials Earned 6月 29, 2022 EDT
[DEPRECATED] Secure Workloads in Google Kubernetes Engine のバッジ [DEPRECATED] Secure Workloads in Google Kubernetes Engine Earned 6月 29, 2022 EDT
Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine のバッジ Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine Earned 6月 28, 2022 EDT
DEPRECATED IoT in the Google Cloud のバッジ DEPRECATED IoT in the Google Cloud Earned 6月 27, 2022 EDT
Cloud Engineering のバッジ Cloud Engineering Earned 6月 27, 2022 EDT
Cloud Development のバッジ Cloud Development Earned 6月 27, 2022 EDT
Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage のバッジ Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage Earned 6月 26, 2022 EDT
Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML のバッジ Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML Earned 6月 26, 2022 EDT
Integrate with Machine Learning APIs のバッジ Integrate with Machine Learning APIs Earned 6月 25, 2022 EDT
Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI のバッジ Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI Earned 6月 24, 2022 EDT
Advanced ML: ML Infrastructure のバッジ Advanced ML: ML Infrastructure Earned 6月 23, 2022 EDT
Google Cloud Platformでのデータサイエンス:機械学習 のバッジ Google Cloud Platformでのデータサイエンス:機械学習 Earned 6月 23, 2022 EDT
Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud のバッジ Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud Earned 6月 23, 2022 EDT
Cloud Healthcare API のバッジ Cloud Healthcare API Earned 6月 22, 2022 EDT
Baseline: Data, ML, AI のバッジ Baseline: Data, ML, AI Earned 6月 22, 2022 EDT
Cloud Architecture のバッジ Cloud Architecture Earned 6月 22, 2022 EDT
Implement DevOps in Google Cloud のバッジ Implement DevOps in Google Cloud Earned 6月 21, 2022 EDT

Kubernetes は最もポピュラーなコンテナ オーケストレーションのシステムで、Google Kubernetes Engine は Google Cloud でのデプロイに対応できるようデザインされています。この上級レベルのラボでは、ハンズオンで Docker イメージやコンテナ、およびデプロイができる演習があります。お客様独自のワークフローに合う、コンテナ オーケストレーション統合に必要な実践的スキルを学びます。ハンズオンラボでスキルや知識を試したいですか?このクエスト修了後に、 Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud クエストの最後にあるチャレンジラボを完了すると、Google Cloud 限定デジタルバッジを獲得できます。


Explore the fundamentals of Flutter application development in this hands-on quest! Within this quest, you will build a "Hello World" Flutter application, design a frontend for a shopping application, and learn how to connect your Flutter applications to backend services. Each lab in this quest utilizes a pre-provisioned development environment allowing minimal setup to get into the application code!


Complete the intermediate Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles using Terraform, provisioning and managing Google Cloud resources with Terraform configurations, effective state management (local and remote), and modularizing Terraform code for reusability and organization. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


機械学習を学んで実践し、SQL だけを使用して、数時間ではなく数分でモデルをビルドしたいとお考えの場合、BigQuery の新機能である BigQuery ML を使用すれば、最小限のコーディングで機械学習モデルの作成、トレーニング、評価、予測が可能になります。この一連のラボでは、さまざまなモデルタイプを試して、優れたモデルを作成する方法を学習します。


Complete the intermediate Create ML Models with BigQuery ML skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and evaluating machine learning models with BigQuery ML to make data predictions. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


機械学習はもっとも迅速に成長しているテクノロジーの分野です。Google Cloud Platformは、その成長に一役かっています。APIのホストを使うことにより、GCPにはツールがあります。この上級レベルのクエストでは、「Implementing an AI Chatbot with Dialogflow」や「Detect Labels, Faces, and Landmarks in Images with the Cloud Vision API」と同様に機械学習APIについてハンズオンで演習ができます。


Earn a skill badge by completing the Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Services quest, where you will learn how to migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Services, including how to: connect to Cloud SQL instances using the Cloud Console and with different job types and connectivity options available in Database Migration Service, and migrate MySQL user data when running Database Migration Service jobs. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge quest, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


This advanced-level quest is unique amongst the other catalog offerings. The labs have been curated to give IT professionals hands-on practice with topics and services that appear in the Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Certification. From Big Query, to Dataprep, to Cloud Composer, this quest is composed of specific labs that will put your Google Cloud data engineering knowledge to the test. Be aware that while practice with these labs will increase your skills and abilities, you will need other preparation, too. The exam is quite challenging and external studying, experience, and/or background in cloud data engineering is recommended. Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of the Engineer Data in the Google Cloud to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.


TensorFlow is an open source software library for high performance numerical computation that's great for writing models that can train and run on platforms ranging from your laptop to a fleet of servers in the Cloud to an edge device. This quest takes you beyond the basics of using predefined models and teaches you how to build, train and deploy your own on Google Cloud.


このコースでは、TensorFlow 2.x 入力データ パイプラインの設計と構築、TensorFlow 2.x と Keras を使用した ML モデルの構築、ML モデルの精度の改善、スケーリングに対応した ML モデルの作成、特殊な ML モデルの作成について説明します。


Complete the intermediate Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and assigning roles with Identity and Access Management (IAM); creating and managing service accounts; enabling private connectivity across virtual private cloud (VPC) networks; restricting application access using Identity-Aware Proxy; managing keys and encrypted data using Cloud Key Management Service (KMS); and creating a private Kubernetes cluster. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge course, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


Earn a skill badge by completing the Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud course, where you will learn about multiple networking-related resources to build, scale, and secure your applications on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


Obtain a competitive advantage through DevOps. DevOps is an organizational and cultural movement that aims to increase software delivery velocity, improve service reliability, and build shared ownership among software stakeholders. In this quest you will learn how to use Google Cloud to improve the speed, stability, availability, and security of your software delivery capability. DevOps Research and Assessment has joined Google Cloud. How does your team measure up? Take this five question multiple-choice quiz and find out! Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of this quest to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.


Earn a skill badge by completing the Secure Workloads in Google Kubernetes Engine quest, where you learn about security at scale on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) including how to: migrate containers from virtual machines to Google Kubernetes Engine, restrict network connections in GKE using firewalls and Network Policies, use role-based access controls (RBAC) in GKE, use Binary Authorization for security controls of your images, secure applications in GKE using 3 access levels: host, network, Kubernetes API, and harden GKE cluster configurations. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge quest, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


Complete the intermediate Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and managing multi-tenant clusters, monitoring resource usage by namespace, configuring cluster and pod autoscaling for efficiency, setting up load balancing for optimal resource distribution, and implementing liveness and readiness probes to ensure application health and cost-effectiveness. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


In this quest, you will learn about Google Cloud’s IoT Core service and its integration with other services like GCS, Dataprep, Stackdriver and Firestore. The labs in this quest use simulator code to mimic IOT devices and the learning here should empower you to implement the same streaming pipeline with real world IoT devices.


この基礎レベルの クエスト は他の Qwiklabs 製品の中でもユニークです。これらのラボは、Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer 認定資格試験に出題されるトピックやサービスについて、 IT プロフェッショナルがハンズオンで演習するために作成されました。 IAM からネットワーキング、Kubernetes engine のデプロイまで、Goodle Cloud の知識が試される特定のラボで構成されています。これらのラボでの演習は スキルや能力の向上に役立ちますが、試験ガイドやその他の対策資料も参照することをお勧めします。


The hands-on labs in this Quest are structured to give experienced app developers hands-on practice with the state-of-the-art developing applications in Google Cloud. The topics align with the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Developer Certification. These labs follow the sequence of activities needed to create and deploy an app in Google Cloud from beginning to end. Be aware that while practice with these labs will increase your skills and abilities, it is recommended that you also review the exam guide and other available preparation resources.


Earn a skill badge by completing the Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage to demonstrate skills in the following: deploy a publicly accessible website using Apache web servers, configure a Compute Engine VM using startup scripts, configure secure RDP using a Windows Bastion host and firewall rules, build and deploy a Docker image to a Kubernetes cluster and then update it, and create a CloudSQL instance and import a MySQL database. This skill badge is a great resource for understanding topics that will appear in the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification exam. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


Complete the intermediate Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: building data transformation pipelines to BigQuery using Dataprep by Trifacta; using Cloud Storage, Dataflow, and BigQuery to build extract, transform, and load (ETL) workflows; building machine learning models using BigQuery ML; and using Cloud Composer to copy data across multiple locations. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge course, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


機械学習はもっとも急速に成長している技術分野の一つであり、Google Cloud はその発展に貢 献してきました。Google Cloud には数多くの API が用意されており、あらゆる機械学習ジョブ に対応することができます。この上級レベルのクエストでは、「Detect Labels, Faces, and Landmarks in Images with the Cloud Vision API」などのラボを受講して、Machine Learning API を実際に操作します。このクエスト(最後のチャレンジラボも含む)を修了すると、Google Cloud の限定デジタルバッジを取得できます。チャレンジラボでは詳細な手順の説明はありません。最小限のガイダンスに基づいてソリューションを構築することが求められ、Google Cloud テクノロジーのスキルが試されます。このクエストを修了したら、 Integrate with Machine Learning APIs クエストの最後にある追加のチャレンジラボを受講して、Google Cloud の限定デジタルバッジを取得しましょう。


Earn the intermediate skill badge by completing the Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions with Vertex AI course, where you will learn how to use Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform, AutoML, and custom training services to train, evaluate, tune, explain, and deploy machine learning models. This skill badge course is for professional Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


Machine Learning is one of the most innovative fields in technology, and the Google Cloud Platform has been instrumental in furthering its development. With a host of APIs, GCP has a tool for just about any machine learning job. In this advanced-level quest, you will get hands-on practice with machine learning at scale and how to employ the advanced ML infrastructure available on GCP.


これは2 つ目のクエストで、Google Cloud Platform の Valliappa Lakshmananが O'Reilly Media, Inc. から出版した「Data Science on the Google Cloud Platform」からの派生したラボです。9つのラボで構成され、1つ目のクエストで練習したスキルをさらに伸ばし、最先端で本格的な機械学習を実際的なデータで実行することで、Google Cloud Platformの機能とサービスを堪能していだけます。


Complete the introductory Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: cleaning data with Dataprep by Trifacta, running data pipelines in Dataflow, creating clusters and running Apache Spark jobs in Dataproc, and calling ML APIs including the Cloud Natural Language API, Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API, and Video Intelligence API. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


Cloud Healthcare API bridges the gap between care systems and applications built on Google Cloud. By supporting standards-based data formats and protocols of existing healthcare technologies, Cloud Healthcare API connects your data to advanced Google Cloud capabilities, including streaming data processing with Cloud Dataflow, scalable analytics with BigQuery, and machine learning with Cloud Machine Learning Engine. In this Quest you will use the Cloud Healthcare API to ingest and process data in the industry standard FHIR, HL7v2 and DICOM formats, train a TensorFlow model for prediction with FHIR data, and also gain practice with de-identification of datasets.


ビッグデータ、機械学習、AIはコンピューター業界ではホットな話題です。しかし、これらの分野は専門的で、入門レベルでも難しいことがあります。Google Cloud は使いやすく、Qwiklabs のクエストでは入門レベルをカバーしているため、Big Query、Cloud Speech API、AI Platform などの最初のステップを開始することができます。主なコンセプトは 1 分間のビデオで説明されています。


この基礎レベルの クエスト は他の Qwiklabs 製品の中でもユニークです。これらのラボは、Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect 認定資格試験に出題されるトピックやサービスについて、 IT プロフェッショナルがハンズオンで演習するために作成されました。 IAM からネットワーキング、Kubernetes engine のデプロイまで、Goodle Cloud の知識が試される特定のラボで構成されています。これらのラボでの演習は スキルや能力の向上に役立ちますが、試験ガイドやその他の対策資料も参照することをお勧めします。


DevOps で競争力を高めましょう。DevOps は、ソフトウェアの迅速な提供、サービスの信頼性向上、ソフトウェア関係者間での責任の共有などを目的とした組織的、文化的な活動です。 このクエストでは、Google Cloud を使用してソフトウェアを提供する際のスピード、安定性、可用性、セキュリティを高める方法について学びます。Google Cloud に加わった DevOps Research and Assessment を使用して、現在のチームの競争力を確認しましょう。5 つの選択式の質問に答えると結果が表示されます。このクエスト(最後のチャレンジラボも含む)を修了すると、Google Cloud の限定デジタルバッジを取得できます。チャレンジラボでは詳細な手順の説明はありません。最小限のガイダンスに基づいてソリューションを構築することが求められ、Google Cloud テクノロジーのスキルが試されます。
