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Emiliano Baum

Member since 2020

Gold League

7385 points
Badge for Developing a Google SRE Culture Developing a Google SRE Culture Earned May 25, 2024 EDT
Badge for Introduction to Generative AI Introduction to Generative AI Earned May 8, 2024 EDT
Badge for Level 3: GenAIus Registries Level 3: GenAIus Registries Earned May 7, 2024 EDT
Badge for Scaling with Google Cloud Operations Scaling with Google Cloud Operations Earned May 4, 2024 EDT

In many IT organizations, incentives are not aligned between developers, who strive for agility, and operators, who focus on stability. Site reliability engineering, or SRE, is how Google aligns incentives between development and operations and does mission-critical production support. Adoption of SRE cultural and technical practices can help improve collaboration between the business and IT. This course introduces key practices of Google SRE and the important role IT and business leaders play in the success of SRE organizational adoption.

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This is an introductory level microlearning course aimed at explaining what Generative AI is, how it is used, and how it differs from traditional machine learning methods. It also covers Google Tools to help you develop your own Gen AI apps.

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Today, developers need all the tools to shine. Artifact Registry is your one-stop shop for storing and managing your code. Learn how to start building your dream code and earn a Google Cloud Credential along the way!- No prior experience needed!

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Organizations of all sizes are embracing the power and flexibility of the cloud to transform how they operate. However, managing and scaling cloud resources effectively can be a complex task. Scaling with Google Cloud Operations explores the fundamental concepts of modern operations, reliability, and resilience in the cloud, and how Google Cloud can help support these efforts. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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