参加 ログイン

Akkineni Sri

メンバー加入日: 2021

Introduction to Generative AI - 日本語版 のバッジ Introduction to Generative AI - 日本語版 Earned 7月 11, 2023 EDT
Analyze and Visualize Looker Data のバッジ Analyze and Visualize Looker Data Earned 8月 27, 2021 EDT

この入門レベルのマイクロラーニング コースでは、ジェネレーティブ AI の概要、利用方法、従来の機械学習の手法との違いについて説明します。独自のジェネレーティブ AI アプリを作成する際に利用できる Google ツールも紹介します。


Complete the introductory Analyze and Visualize Looker Data skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: analyzing and visualizing data using dimensions and measures in Looker, filtering and pivoting data, merging results from different Looker Explores, and using functions and operators in Looker. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.
