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Database Engineer Learning Path

A Database Engineer designs, plans, tests, implements, and monitors database migrations.

school 8 activities
update Last updated 8 місяців
person Managed by Google Cloud
A Database Engineer designs, creates, manages, migrates, and troubleshoots databases used by applications to store and retrieve data. This learning path guides you through a curated collection of on-demand courses, labs, and skill badges that provide you with real-world, hands-on experience using Google Cloud technologies essential to the Database Engineer role. Once you complete the path, check out our catalog for 700+ labs and courses to keep going on your professional journey.
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Ознайомлення з практичними роботами Google Cloud

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access_time 45 годин
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Це ваша перша практична робота. Ви отримаєте доступ до Google Cloud Console і ознайомитеся з такими базовими функціями Google Cloud: проекти, ресурси, керування ідентифікацією і доступом користувачів, ролі, дозволи й API.

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Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Yкраїнська

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access_time 5 год
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Курс "Знайомство з Google Cloud: основна інфраструктура" охоплює важливі поняття й терміни щодо використання Google Cloud. Переглядаючи відео й виконуючи практичні завдання, слухачі ознайомляться з різними сервісами Google Cloud для обчислень і зберігання даних, а також важливими ресурсами й інструментами...

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Enterprise Database Migration

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access_time 56 год
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This course is intended to give architects, engineers, and developers the skills required to help enterprise customers architect, plan, execute, and test database migration projects. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs participants move databases to Google Cloud...

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Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Service

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access_time 7 год
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Earn a skill badge by completing the Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Services quest, where you will learn how to migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Services, including how to: connect to Cloud...

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Create and Manage Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Instances

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access_time 4 год 30 годин
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Complete the introductory Create and Manage Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Instances skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: migrating, configuring, and managing Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instances and databases. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by...

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Create and Manage Cloud Spanner Instances

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access_time 7 год 15 годин
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Complete the introductory Create and Manage Cloud Spanner Instances skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and interacting with Cloud Spanner instances and databases; loading Cloud Spanner databases using various techniques; backing up Cloud Spanner databases; defining schemas...

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Create and Manage Bigtable Instances

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access_time 6 год 45 годин
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Complete the intermediate Create and Manage Bigtable Instances skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating instances, designing schemas, querying data, and performing administrative tasks in Bigtable including monitoring Bigtable performance and configuring node autoscaling and replication. A skill...

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Create and Manage AlloyDB Databases

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access_time 9 год 30 годин
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Complete the introductory Create and Manage AlloyDB Instances skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: performing core AlloyDB operations and tasks, migrating to AlloyDB from PostgreSQL, administering an AlloyDB database, and accelerating analytical queries using the AlloyDB Columnar Engine....

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