Cloud Shell と gcloud のスタートガイド のレビュー

Cloud Shell と gcloud のスタートガイド のレビュー

455009 件のレビュー

mounika vecha · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Mishra Akansha · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Kumar Krishna · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Settipalli Ramesh · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Muneeb ur Rehman Muhammad · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Good experience

MCA HOD · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

VELISALA GIRESH · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

GOOGLEUSER Tadisetty · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み


Komilov Asroriddin · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Bani Akash Singh · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Velayutham Veerabagh · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

great lab but i wish there were more "command details"

Jafry Alisha · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Someone might wish for more contrivances such as embedding a hyperlink to activate a Google Cloud Console. I also wish it.

Kozaki Norito · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Hernandez Hernandez Jonathan · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Khirasaria Vivek · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Gonzalez Marcos · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

saleem Muqadas · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Adeyemi Morayooluwa · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

There are some problems with this lab. I list them below: 1. The list of zones is missing the us-west1-c zone 2. The `gcloud compute firewall-rules list` command doesn't return the list in a table format anymore 3. It might be worth mentioning that the `filter` in the `gcloud compute firewall-rules --filter` command is case sensitive in regards to keywords. For example: `gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="NETWORK:'default' AND ALLOW:'icmp'"` will return the appropriate records, but if one changes the `AND` to `and`, nothing is returned. 4. Step 2 of Task 4 tells the student to try to access the nginx service running on the VM, but doesn't have instructions how to do that. The student needs to read all the way down to step 6 to figure it out. 5. The command `gcloud logging read "resource.type=gce_instance AND labels.instance_name='gcelab2'" --limit 5` doesn't return anything. Lab time also ended up being a bit short. I had to rush on the last commands related to logging due to time almost running out. Perhaps add 15 minutes to it?

Decaria Henrique · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Berreles Mario · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

srivastava shikha · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Agarwal Surbhi · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Morales Novelo César · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

GOOGLEUSER Shukur-EE-001 · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Ham Anthony · 3ヶ月前にレビュー済み

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