Como aumentar a segurança das configurações padrão do cluster do GKE avaliações

Como aumentar a segurança das configurações padrão do cluster do GKE avaliações

9926 avaliações

loc n. · Revisado há over 1 year

Jenny Adriana J. · Revisado há over 1 year

Mykhailo S. · Revisado há over 1 year

William L. · Revisado há over 1 year

Prasanth S. · Revisado há over 1 year

Vasavi R. · Revisado há over 1 year

Christian V. · Revisado há over 1 year

Christian V. · Revisado há over 1 year

Ashish K. · Revisado há over 1 year

anil k. · Revisado há over 1 year

Now worked everything as supposed

Daniel T. · Revisado há over 1 year

Marouene D. · Revisado há over 1 year

Tamilselvi R. · Revisado há over 1 year


Yuvaraj N. · Revisado há over 1 year

The code for the more restrictive policy in step 7 didn't work properly

Daniel T. · Revisado há over 1 year

Ravishanker A. · Revisado há over 1 year

Ariel F. · Revisado há over 1 year

Step 7 error. --cluster-version 1.21.14-gke.18100 option helped.

Srikant D. · Revisado há over 1 year

INVALID_ARGUMENT: Pod Security Policy was removed from GKE clusters with version >= 1.25.0. The cluster cannot be created with Pod Security Policy is enabled.

Andrii K. · Revisado há over 1 year

outdate version k8s

Duy H. · Revisado há over 1 year

outdated lab, create cluster in first step: gcloud container clusters create simplecluster --zone $MY_ZONE --num-nodes 2 --metadata=disable-legacy-endpoints=false --cluster-version=1.21.14-gke.18800 --no-enable-autoupgrade

Denis M. · Revisado há over 1 year

Steps 6 & 7 cannot be implemented: error: resource mapping not found for name: "restrictive-psp" namespace: "" from "STDIN": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1" ensure CRDs are installed first

Andrei G. · Revisado há over 1 year

Andrei G. · Revisado há over 1 year


Duy H. · Revisado há over 1 year

Denis M. · Revisado há over 1 year

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