デフォルトの GKE クラスタ構成の強化 のレビュー

デフォルトの GKE クラスタ構成の強化 のレビュー

9608 件のレビュー

INVALID_ARGUMENT: Pod Security Policy was removed from GKE clusters with version >= 1.25.0. The cluster cannot be created with Pod Security Policy is enabled.

Kopytsia Andrii · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

outdate version k8s

Huỳnh Duy · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

outdated lab, create cluster in first step: gcloud container clusters create simplecluster --zone $MY_ZONE --num-nodes 2 --metadata=disable-legacy-endpoints=false --cluster-version=1.21.14-gke.18800 --no-enable-autoupgrade

MIFTAKHOV Denis · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Steps 6 & 7 cannot be implemented: error: resource mapping not found for name: "restrictive-psp" namespace: "" from "STDIN": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1" ensure CRDs are installed first

Gheorghiu Andrei · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Gheorghiu Andrei · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み


Huỳnh Duy · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

MIFTAKHOV Denis · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Kubernetes has officially deprecated PodSecurityPolicy in version 1.21 and will be removed in 1.25 with no upgrade path available with this feature enabled. This lab uses v1.25 hence unable to use pod security preventing me from completing the lab

Stephen Afuape Oluseyi · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Step 7 error.

Deshpandey Srikant · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Adamski Krzysztof · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

error: resource mapping not found for name: "restrictive-psp" namespace: "" from "STDIN": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1" ensure CRDs are installed first >>> the solution is : gcloud container clusters create simplecluster --zone $MY_ZONE --num-nodes 2 --metadata=disable-legacy-endpoints=false --cluster-version=1.21.14-gke.18800 --no-enable-autoupgrade

Vásquez Félix · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Anandan Ravishanker · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Anandan Ravishanker · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Lab instruction is not up-to-date. I wasn't able to complete Tasks 6 & 7 because PodSecurityPolicy was removed

Krauze Maciej · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Task 7 does not work

Kichukova Vaska · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Kubernetes has officially deprecated PodSecurityPolicy in version 1.21 and will be removed in 1.25 with no upgrade path available with this feature enabled. This lab uses v1.25 hence unable to use pod security preventing me from completing the lab

Stephen Afuape Oluseyi · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

error: resource mapping not found for name: restrictive-psp namespace: from STDIN: no matches for kind PodSecurityPolicy in version policy/v1beta1 ensure CRDs are installed first

Elfrisa D Yulius · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Kalamkar Pranav · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Yadav Sachinder · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Yadav Sachinder · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

error at 7th tasks no CDR no psp apply Because Kubernetes remove PSP in 1.25+

Niglio Jacky · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Reddy Arrabolu Chandra Shekar · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

error at 7th tasks no CDR no psp apply

Niglio Jacky · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Nguyen Tien · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

wiah rabiathul · 11ヶ月前にレビュー済み

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