Using AWS Lambda with Amazon CloudWatch and SNS to Implement a Slack Chat Bot avaliações

Using AWS Lambda with Amazon CloudWatch and SNS to Implement a Slack Chat Bot avaliações

1996 avaliações

Xi Q. · Revisado há about 5 years

Matthew O. · Revisado há about 5 years

student13 a. · Revisado há about 5 years


heechang l. · Revisado há about 5 years

Kamil B. · Revisado há about 5 years

Ashok K. · Revisado há about 5 years

Vsevolod G. · Revisado há over 5 years

Adrian G. · Revisado há over 5 years

Seonwoo L. · Revisado há over 5 years

Diego G. · Revisado há over 5 years

George T. · Revisado há over 5 years

Half of the learning goals are not included in the actual exercises as listed below: 1) Encrypt the URL of the webhook and base-64 encode it; 2) Create an IAM role with permission to decrypt the key

Wei D. · Revisado há over 5 years

Agerneh D. · Revisado há over 5 years

Marco B. · Revisado há over 5 years

very practical and useful lab

kumar a. · Revisado há over 5 years

Xu P. · Revisado há over 5 years

Shachar B. · Revisado há over 5 years

Yonghoon J. · Revisado há over 5 years

Viacheslav R. · Revisado há over 5 years

Mircea P. · Revisado há over 5 years

Muljadi S. · Revisado há over 5 years

sukho l. · Revisado há over 5 years

Naveen C. · Revisado há over 5 years

Pedro S. · Revisado há over 5 years

Lokesh K. · Revisado há over 5 years

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