Serverless Architectures using Amazon S3 and Amazon SNS with AWS Lambda Ulasan

Serverless Architectures using Amazon S3 and Amazon SNS with AWS Lambda Ulasan

788 ulasan

Progress doesn't always accurately track tasks that have been completed

Eric R. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

Where are the code snippets? I have to manually type in all the lines of code for a timed exercise because the formatting in the PDF won't work. SO ANNOYING! The place that quiklabs says the code exists isn't a real thing!!

Jonathan K. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

Fix the problems in the lab! EC2 was not running.

M N. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

Leon C. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

Could not get the uploaded lambda function to work. Kept throwing an error on load.

Jim M. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

took 2 times, found different error while uploading lambda functions.

Manish J. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

took 2 times, found different error while uploading lambda functions.

Manish J. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

took 2 times, found different error while uploading lambda functions.

Manish J. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

Like the lab - though, as noted in other posts, the last item in the progress doesn't get marked as complete

Paul R. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

took 2 times, found different error while uploading lambda functions.

Manish J. · Diulas lebih dari 7 tahun lalu

Great lab, and very helpful! I did run into some trouble, though, so in case anyone starts hitting a wall on some parts, maybe this will help: Before using "aws lambda" on your EC2 instance, you may need to run "aws configure". Here, just paste in the Access Key and Secret Access Key provided in the Connect tab in the Lab (click on Show Access Keys to get them). Then, for Default Region Name, use the name of the region that you've identified at the start of the lab (ex: us-east-2). For Default Option Format, leave it blank. Then your aws lambda command will work. Copying and pasting the code resulted in formatting errors since the lab formats things with spaces that your IDE or text editor may interpret it too literally. The most common thing I've encountered is that single-line code comments (lines starting with double slashes: //) end up spanning multiple lines. After correcting these, my code still didn't execute, so I ran it through a JavaScript beautifier ( which made the code run as expected (strange that this was necessary, though) If you did encounter trouble like I did with running the provided code and need to update it, update CreateThumbnail.js with your new changes, then do this: 1. Remove the old file with this command: rm 2. Regenerate the zip file: zip -r . 2. Run the update-function-code command aws lambda update-function-code --function-name CreateThumbnail --zip-file fileb:///home/ec2-user/examplefolder/ Then your lambda function should work when you're uploading to your S3 bucket

Nick A. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

last progress step in not working....

Christophe C. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

Ethan S. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

Matthew L. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

Sharder I. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

Brian D. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

Fabrice K. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

James J. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

Ace M. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

solomon g. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

Bojan K. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

Nicola P. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

Daniel H. · Diulas hampir 8 tahun lalu

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