关于“[:zh] 利用 Auto Scaling 保持高可用性 (Linux)”的评价

关于“[:zh] 利用 Auto Scaling 保持高可用性 (Linux)”的评价

9674 条评价

Matt L. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Steve B. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Aaron B. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Erica C. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Jonathan T. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Was good, especially liked the simple yet effective Web Server pages

Jakub J. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

ronnie a. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Mark P. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

The lab has issues. When we run the script the Launch configuration has issue and also the autoscaling lab script does not create the auto scaling group. i have found no errors while running script. but I see the below error. "Unknown error occured" and the autoscaling group and launch configuration tab both have same issue.

Ashwin S. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Kempei I. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Kyle V. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Pitor T. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Pat E. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核


Anjaneyulu R. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Philip L. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Sameer P. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

The poor Putty information for getting the PPK left me unable to continue. A reference in the lab to the AWS on the Connect Command for Putty users would have been helpful. If the lab is for AutoScaling make it focus on autoscaling, not mire us in SSH client mechanics. 2nd attempt, I successfuly got to step 72, then tried to access AutoScaling Groups from the Console and got "An Unknown Error Occurred". Same with accessing Launch Configs. 3rd time, completed. However, this time my "SCORE" reads 0/20, though I completed all steps successfully. This lab seems to be buggy and the student suffers for the problems. I would like to stay focused on the lab material, not be concerned as to why these issues (this time the SCORE) are occuring.

Jeffrey B. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Erin R. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核


V Chandrasekhar V. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

was not able to connect

derek c. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核


Taranath S. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

The lab has issues. When we run the script the Launch configuration has issue and also the autoscaling lab script does not create the auto scaling group. i have found no errors while running script. but I see the below error. "Unknown error occured" and the autoscaling group and launch configuration tab both have same issue.

Ashwin S. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Step 29: A client error (AccessDenied) occurred when calling the CreateLaunchConfiguration : User: arn:aws:sts::795560616450:assumed-role/qls-1222976-3b1e4e282f934599-RootRole-1KWMWDET4XWA5/i-034702651c3dbeeee is not authorized to perform: autoscaling:CreateLaunchConfiguration on resource: arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:795560616450:launchConfiguration:*:launchConfigurationName/lab-lc Different problems second time around - auto scaling launch configuration was successfully created, but no instances started. Zendesk ticket reopened. Third time was the charm - worked fine this time around.

Sean W. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

Jake R. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核


Ramon G. · 已于 almost 7 years前审核

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