关于“Hosting WordPress Using Amazon S3”的评价

关于“Hosting WordPress Using Amazon S3”的评价

5246 条评价

Marko K. · 已于 almost 8 years前审核

You need to convert wordpress to static files first before copying to S3 each time via cron, ie need to run, sudo /bin/sh wpstatic.sh

Dean S. · 已于 about 8 years前审核


貴久 鈴. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

卓史 米. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

useless tutorial. Broken, because the wp-static tool no longer works the same way.. need to be edited and run with some flags, or it creates a zip. Also, the concept is poor, because the tool does not edit the URLs inside the static content, so they point back at the EC2 instance for style sheets, images, etc. Also, this is a basic level thing to do, yet set as expert. Poor choice of example, poor design of lab, not expert level, and uses a 3rd party tool which has changed since this lab was written.

Glen O. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Fabio G. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

The replication was not good

Saul F. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Javier M. S. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Wade M. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Carmen P. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

The wordpress mysql database was created in an empty state.

William K. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Kr M. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Jeffrey L. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

I got an error "Table 'wordpressdb.wp_options' doesn't exist." step 53. But I could find any resolution about it.

min sung k. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Denys O. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Erin F. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Juraj H. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

julein c. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

When I was creating the WordPress instance, it said "ROLLBACK_COMPLETE" instead of "CREATED_COMPLETE". I tried again, but same result.

Elsa A. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

A bit complicated. Stuck on section below for a while. Succeed in lab but failed in my AWS. ===== Pushing the content to Amazon S3 using the AWS CLI ===== aws s3 cp --recursive --acl public-read wordpress-static s3://<BucketName>/wordpress Thanks! likejia@amazon.com

Li K. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Yamashita K. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Chad D. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Mateusz P. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

Jonathan Q. · 已于 about 8 years前审核

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