关于“Advanced Amazon Redshift: Performance Tuning”的评价

关于“Advanced Amazon Redshift: Performance Tuning”的评价

233 条评价

Faisal A. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Not enough time.

Divya M. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

The scripts took so long to run that I hardly had enough time to finish the lab. I found myself just copying, pasting, and running sql, and not actually reading and learning the content. Please add at least another 30 minutes to this lab.

Bryce C. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

this lab sucks over an hour waiting for things to load? I didn't even have enough time to finish the compression piece 10 minutes cloudformation 60 minutes run-sql 20 minutes analyzecompression.py we are intending to learn about redshift performance tuning but we spend most of this lab waiting around for these commands it would be great if restoring redshift from a snapshot would be faster than running all of these COPY commands http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/managing-snapshots-console.html#snapshot-share another alternative might be to use the dc1.large nodes since they are SSD backed which should speed up the COPY's I realize to best see performance gains we'll need a certain scale of data, but perhaps the dataset could be trimmed as well. I can't even view the performance/query/load metrics in this lab: User fletcher is not authorized to 73a1973c-b75d-11e6-a3a6-efb208e3d1e9). Please check with your administrator. (Service: AmazonCloudWatch; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: 73a1973c-b75d-11e6-a3a6-efb208e3d1e9) when we finally get to the content for this lesson, its good material, but seems pretty slim for the final course in the quest. it would be smart to include a link to AWS docs to learn more about query plans http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/c-the-query-plan.html or queues http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/cm-c-defining-query-queues.html instead of linking back to labs earlier in the quest http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/063/Picture_2_c.jpg

fletcher d. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Walid L. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

loading data takes many time. can we create the new cluster from a snapshot?

Phung L. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

This lab does not give me enough time to iterate all tasks. Generating test data itself took almost 80% of whole lab time, which left no time for me to complete tasks...

Shun E. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Nikolas A. · 已于 over 7 years前审核


varun k. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Emmanuel A. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Emmanuel A. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Time is not enough. Initial data upload and python transformation consume too much time and there are no time to throw query.

Makoto S. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Java not installed on EC2 instance, Python modules not present on EC2 instance, data import takes about an hour

Leo M. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Assessment score out of sync. Lab got not scored because of this.

Federico H. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Elliott K. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Naresh C. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Lab time could be about 10-15 longer given all the time spent waiting. Also would be nice to have some explanation of the effect rebooting the cluster will have on the long running python compression analysis script

Jesper P. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

2 hours ... most of it spend waiting on data to be load (op compressed)... it would be so interesting if it wasn't so time wasting... topic is important and quite nicely covered .... but... god I', tired of watering ;]

Zbigniew S. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

WAY TOO MUCH TIME spent waiting for background tasks to complete. Not a good time management lab.

Richard W. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Michelangelo P. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

The initial queries took waaayyyy too long to complete. Did not allocate enough time for this lab.

Donald M. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Fabian M. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

I cannot finish the lab if I have to wait for an hour for a command.

Khwunchai J. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Can't connect, some sort of JDBC connection error during initial 'manager driver' setup. WHen you complete and click Ok it errors out.

Dom P. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

Can't connect, some sort of JDBC connection error

Dom P. · 已于 over 7 years前审核

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