Caching Static Files with Amazon CloudFront (日本語版) のレビュー

Caching Static Files with Amazon CloudFront (日本語版) のレビュー

11387 件のレビュー

Mirowski Adam · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Lloyd Nick · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Hurst Rick · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Terakami Gordon · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

-some doc links outdated -"permissions" are on right not left. -cloudfront just forwarded me to the S3 link rather than caching so the action didn't work as intended

Fehring Chris · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Zhou Joe · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Singh Aarav · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Ansary Abe · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Valencia Fernando · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Sudjatmiko Hendry · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Siegler Christopher · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Szczepanski Bartlomiej · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Chotvorrarak Kanin · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Mareeswari Rajabathar Arul Kumar · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Russel Alexandre · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Alvarez-Parmar Re · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Simmons Steve · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

For many users, this lab will lead you into a frustrating problem. If the lab starts in, say, the us-west-2 (Oregon) region, the S3 bucket containing the static Website content (created by CloudFormation when you launch the lab) will be in that region. Attempts to access files in the bucket via URLs to other S3 regions will result in a 307 temporary redirect. Unfortunately, when you select the bucket while creating the CloudFront distribution in steps 24 and 25 of the Lab Guide, CloudFront may internally generate an origin URL to the S3 bucket in a region *other than* the S3 bucket's region (e.g., us-standard). This means when CloudFront makes a request to the origin, it will receive a 307. Lab Guide steps 36 and beyond will not work as expected because you'll be redirected *out of* CloudFront, directly to the S3 bucket (with the correct region URL) by this 307. Worse yet, CloudFront caches the 307 redirect, making this lab's blunder more difficult to rectify. You'll need to change the origin URL in CloudFront to refer to the correct bucket URL for your region. This will cause another 15-minute delay as you wait for the distribution to update. You will *also* need to invalidate in CloudFront any files that were previously accessed through CloudFront and encountered a 307, since this 307 is cached in CloudFront (if you've done both steps 35 and 36, you'll need to invalidate both the cf_lab1.html and grand_canyon.jpg files). Wait another 15 minutes for the invalidation request to complete. You should now be able to complete the lab from step 36 onward, with the expected results.

Cottrill Jonathan · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Ilustre Bryce · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Ravji Mukesh · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Bako J. Michael · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Debmedia Develop · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Beck Greg · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

Salvys Manfredas · 8年弱前にレビュー済み

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