Building a Media Sharing Website - Part 2: Transcoding Ulasan

Building a Media Sharing Website - Part 2: Transcoding Ulasan

589 ulasan

Lab did not manage to start.

Tania M. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu

Pooya A. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu

Jincen M. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu

This lab failed on the EC2 instance on User Data. One of the installs failed due to dependencies.

John H. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

David R. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Instructions at step 65 are wrong, The server would not start up clean with the given user data.

sai sri harsha g. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

I was not able to test, because the Public DNS would refused the connection. I looked at the security settings, and they were those that the tutorial required. What is missing?

David O. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

I needed to run "bundle upgrade" before running "bundle install". Also needed to rails on port 8080

Edmond M. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Anoop K N. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Dmytro H. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Dmytro H. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

The UserData script failed and the web page was not launched. Document is not there to advise how to manually configure this in case of failure

Kanwar B. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Hi guys , I know the webserver installed in EC2 will not work for you . And I ssh to the instance to do trouble shouting. I resolve the bug and I want to share with you the solution. When you run the same bootstrap script manually (inside EC2 , after “sudo su -“) , you will get the error below and the solution is to run “bundle update rdoc “ just before the last line which is “/usr/local/bin/bundle exec bin/rails s -b -p 80 “ Good Luck! Regards _____________ Terminal stderr Downloading rdoc-4.2.0 revealed dependencies not in the API or the lockfile (json (~> 1.4)). Either installing with `--full-index` or running `bundle update rdoc` should fix the problem.

Abdennour T. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

The ec2 user data has some issue. Even after verifying all the details in the user data. The ec2 public dns name when opened in the browser does not launch nay page. Also it would be very helpful if the whole life cycle of this excercise would be explained in more detail. Like when you are uploading the file where it is going to s3 or elastic transcoder.

Ashwin S. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Gurudatt K. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Chris R. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Cristian U. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Victor B. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Priyank B. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu


AWS_CSA9 A. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Zachary H. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Didn't work after provisioning the EC2 instance.

Christopher C. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

Currently broken. Rails server fails to start "Could not find activesupport-4.2.1 in any of the sources"

Peter M. · Diulas hampir 7 tahun lalu

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