AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell: Getting Started のレビュー

AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell: Getting Started のレビュー

1889 件のレビュー

Mueller Lawrence · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

MALIK ANJU · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Sanders Chailah · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

good learninig

Kini Varadraj · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Scripts need a bit of tuning - & : The term 'Initialize-AWSDefaults' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:3 + & Initialize-AWSDefaults + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Initialize-AWSDefaults:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException is a bit annoying and a warning and possibility to extend time in lab would be nice if one get distracted during lab time and dont have time to complete course. Then you have to re-setup the lap to complete second part of course.

Jensen Anders · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

good lab

Myler James · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Bairagi Jayanta · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Neupane Jyoti · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

ok, but some instruction lines are confusing.

Zaw Tin · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Robinson Brent · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

I can not execute any powershell command The term '▬' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + ▬ + ~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (▬:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

ko tony · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Patro Anil Kumar · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

It wasn't worth 8 credits. You could show so much more..

KÖK JABAĞI · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

ko tony · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Kim Jong Hoon · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Frapolly Nicole · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Liu Xiuting · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Barely complete the lab in time.

Dy Jonathan · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Lamadrid Juan · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

As this was my first lab it was not enough time, waiting for AWS to create the instances and login times etc reduced this as well.

Peppiatt Roger · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Collier Marvin · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Wilson Rayjan · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

Kaurin Jovan · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

SENKAYA Furkan · 7年弱前にレビュー済み

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