Cloud Composer: Qwik Start - Console Ulasan

Cloud Composer: Qwik Start - Console Ulasan

5742 ulasan

environment creations took somewhere 45 mins and it failed

Pravin T. · Diulas 1 hari lalu

Airflow worker container from Airflow-worker pod never get materialized, as it reports exception during setup process of Cloud Composer. Please note the version listed in the instructions set of this lab doesn't get listed as available option or that the US-EAST4 region has capacity issue for this lab.

Sushrut A. · Diulas 3 hari lalu

Matt L. · Diulas 4 hari lalu

Lab is not working properly. Getting incorrect Composer version.

Mohammadh S. · Diulas 4 hari lalu

Lab did not work, the version of composer is not available, instance never started and is in hung state, also I get a message saying I have not followed lab instructions and it auto ends the session.

Suhas B. · Diulas 5 hari lalu

Cloud composer not getting created

Abhash U. · Diulas 5 hari lalu

Santhosh A. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

issue while creating Composer environment

vishwavijay s. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Composer environment not created even after 45+ minutes of waiting.

mithun b. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

unable to create composer, loading eternally

Rohan R. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Composer creation didn't complete

Zahir A. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Resource not created through the session

Manikandan S. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Unable to create environment at step 4

Sunil K. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

MANIVANNAN D. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Naga Manasa A. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Lakshminath k. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Composer environment did not create

Vinaya H. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Caroline P. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

cloud composer env took forever and did not set up. And timer ended lab.

Harbilas B. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Utter crap. The environment never got created. Waste of time.

Seetharaman R. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

LAXMANA P. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Siva D. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Couldn't get any work done on the lab, cause the entire time I was waiting for my cloud composer environment to create.

Ziad E. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Shaik S. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

Got kicked out from the lab few times while the composer environment is getting provisioned . Almost everyone in the training had the same issue. The message is as below "We are ending this lab as we have detected that you are not following the lab instructions. Please be aware that we will block your account if you continue this behavior." and in addition to that the trainer could not also launch the cluster in the lab time of 1 hour

Siby Abin T. · Diulas 6 hari lalu

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