Entrega contínua com o Jenkins no Kubernetes Engine avaliações

Entrega contínua com o Jenkins no Kubernetes Engine avaliações

87488 avaliações

Abhijeet S. · Revisado há 12 days

Harsh Sanjeev R. · Revisado há 12 days

Mariusz M. · Revisado há 13 days

Steven G. · Revisado há 13 days

Deepthi M. · Revisado há 13 days


JUAN SEBASTIAN C. · Revisado há 13 days

Jhon Jairo R. · Revisado há 14 days

ANA SOFIA C. · Revisado há 14 days

DEVESH NARAYAN C. · Revisado há 14 days

Leena H. · Revisado há 14 days

Terry H. · Revisado há 15 days

Svetlana V. · Revisado há 15 days

Sandiep K. · Revisado há 15 days

HAROLD F. · Revisado há 15 days

Jenkins experiences a lot of time out error, can't finish the tutorial.

Angelo V. · Revisado há 16 days

NUR ATIHRA S. · Revisado há 17 days

Nagendra N. · Revisado há 18 days

Yaser S. · Revisado há 18 days

Radosław B. · Revisado há 21 days

Leonardo d. · Revisado há 21 days

Francisco S. · Revisado há 22 days

cluster setup issue

Pradeep G. · Revisado há 22 days

Balaji S. · Revisado há 22 days

ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.create) Operation [<Operation clusterConditions: [<StatusCondition canonicalCode: CanonicalCodeValueValuesEnum(UNAVAILABLE, 15) code: CodeValueValuesEnum(GCE_STOCKOUT, 1) message: "Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-0hq4' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.">, <StatusCondition canonicalCode: CanonicalCodeValueValuesEnum(UNAVAILABLE, 15) code: CodeValueValuesEnum(GCE_STOCKOUT, 1) message: "Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-tqdg' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.">, <StatusCondition canonicalCode: CanonicalCodeValueValuesEnum(UNAVAILABLE, 15) code: CodeValueValuesEnum(GCE_STOCKOUT, 1) message: "Google Compute Engine: Not all instances running in IGM after 35m25.885972116s. Expected 2, running 0, transitioning 2. Current errors: [GCE_STOCKOUT]: Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-0hq4' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.; [GCE_STOCKOUT]: Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-tqdg' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.">] detail: "Google Compute Engine: Not all instances running in IGM after 35m25.885972116s. Expected 2, running 0, transitioning 2. Current errors: [GCE_STOCKOUT]: Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-0hq4' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.; [GCE_STOCKOUT]: Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-tqdg' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later." endTime: '2024-05-14T19:06:28.610501298Z' error: <Status code: 14 details: [] message: "Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-0hq4' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later."> name: 'operation-1715711178997-14eb23e7-f55f-45db-80d6-aaed9d70dc2a' nodepoolConditions: [] operationType: OperationTypeValueValuesEnum(CREATE_CLUSTER, 1) progress: <OperationProgress metrics: [<Metric intValue: 10 name: 'CLUSTER_CONFIGURING'>, <Metric intValue: 10 name: 'CLUSTER_CONFIGURING_TOTAL'>, <Metric intValue: 12 name: 'CLUSTER_DEPLOYING'>, <Metric intValue: 12 name: 'CLUSTER_DEPLOYING_TOTAL'>] stages: []> selfLink: 'https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/881343317368/zones/us-west1-b/operations/operation-1715711178997-14eb23e7-f55f-45db-80d6-aaed9d70dc2a' startTime: '2024-05-14T18:26:18.99711431Z' status: StatusValueValuesEnum(DONE, 3) statusMessage: "Google Compute Engine: Not all instances running in IGM after 35m25.885972116s. Expected 2, running 0, transitioning 2. Current errors: [GCE_STOCKOUT]: Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-0hq4' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.; [GCE_STOCKOUT]: Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-tqdg' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later." targetLink: 'https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/881343317368/zones/us-west1-b/clusters/jenkins-cd' zone: 'us-west1-b'>] finished with error: Google Compute Engine: Not all instances running in IGM after 35m25.885972116s. Expected 2, running 0, transitioning 2. Current errors: [GCE_STOCKOUT]: Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-0hq4' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.; [GCE_STOCKOUT]: Instance 'gke-jenkins-cd-default-pool-3e28cce0-tqdg' creation failed: The zone 'projects/qwiklabs-gcp-03-d332b05ca5ad/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.

konrad p. · Revisado há 23 days

Piotr D. · Revisado há 24 days

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