Deploy Go Apps on Google Cloud Serverless Platforms Reviews

Deploy Go Apps on Google Cloud Serverless Platforms Reviews

6619 reviews

Prince A. · Reviewed 4 days ago

AHMED M. · Reviewed 12 days ago

AHMED M. · Reviewed 12 days ago

Guideline says: "In the Cloud Console, click Navigation menu > Firestore > Data to open Firestore in the Console." I just can't find the "Data" button. Technical support specialist proposed workaround, but this wasn't helpful.

Oleh H. · Reviewed 12 days ago

Banu R. · Reviewed 19 days ago

Gines G. · Reviewed 19 days ago

Muhammad H. · Reviewed 19 days ago

Joshua K. · Reviewed 20 days ago

I had a problem to execute the Cloud Run exercise because there was no command to allow unauthorized users executing it

Bruna N. · Reviewed 22 days ago

Could you revise the lab? before checkpoint 2 it cannot parse data because of bad numeric literal or so (for firestore and bigquery) And before checkpoint 3 it says something about permissions of cloud functions. Thank you

Andrii T. · Reviewed 25 days ago

Matthew R. · Reviewed 26 days ago

vikrant c. · Reviewed 28 days ago

Divya S. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Andrii T. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Wicaksono H P. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

Andrii T. · Reviewed about 1 month ago

peng z. · Reviewed about 2 months ago

Miguel R. · Reviewed about 2 months ago


Miyu S. · Reviewed 2 months ago

Miyu S. · Reviewed 2 months ago

Kris H. · Reviewed 2 months ago

Sai Kiran P. · Reviewed 2 months ago

悠介 大. · Reviewed 2 months ago

Vikramaditya K. · Reviewed 2 months ago

Jay S. · Reviewed 3 months ago

We do not ensure the published reviews originate from consumers who have purchased or used the products. Reviews are not verified by Google.