Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine: チャレンジラボ のレビュー

Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine: チャレンジラボ のレビュー

343583 件のレビュー


Biswas Pranoy · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

da Silva Franck · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Nworie Justin · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Swierczewski Michal · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Mehrabyan Artak · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Rosi Ishaq Muhammad Fahrul · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Minichiello Stefano · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Charlie Turtle · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

I had several issues with configuring nginx instances properly. First of all, it requires setting named ports (and it was not mentioned in previous labs). Secondly, the error 'Please create the managed instance group with 2 nginx web-server' is highly unintuitive, because those instances are indeed created, and visible from GUI and it is possible to proceed with a further configuration, even without load balancing working properly. My suggestions: some new (not mentioned previously) configurations have to be marked somehow to draw student's attention that it is something completely new and was not mentioned earlier. We are ok with the fact, that we need to use the GCP documentation on our own, but new aspects should be marked properly, otherwise, it is a waste of our time and an additional reason for frustration.

Dmytruk Roman · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

I got the error which is repeative and not getting solved

Khandelwal Nitin · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

awesome lab

Dhanasekaran Ramesh · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Levorato Vincent · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Trejo Gustavo · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Ganczarek Radosław · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Romaniv Mariia · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Wu Jiaqi · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Bakare Shubham · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Zhang Zhiyun · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Kasundra Sumit · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

vague guidance


Ippili Santoshkumar · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Rathore Muhammad Umer · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Tay Slun · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Charlie Turtle · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Khan Zohaib · 約2ヶ月前にレビュー済み

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