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Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI

Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI

6 ore Introduttivi universal_currency_alt 20 crediti
Complete the introductory Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI skill badge to learn how to build Generative AI applications using LangChain and the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technique for text-based content, powered by Vertex AI's advanced Generative AI capabilities. Discover how to integrate powerful large language models (LLMs) with search and retrieval workflows, boosting the accuracy and relevance of your generated content. Earn a Google Cloud skill badge and showcase your expertise by completing the course and its final assessment challenge lab.

Completa questa attività e ottieni un badge! Fai un passo avanti nella tua carriera nel cloud mostrando a tutti le tue nuove capacità.

Badge per Build LangChain Applications using Vertex AI
Informazioni corso
  • Use LangChain with Vertex AI services and LLMs to create Generative AI applications.
  • Understand the concept of retrieval augmentation and how it can improve queries to LLMs.
  • Learn to combine traditional retrieval techniques with the power of LLMs to create robust hybrid search systems.
Lingue disponibili
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Al termine di un corso, guadagnerai un badge di completamento. I badge possono essere visualizzati sul tuo profilo e condivisi sul tuo social network.
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