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Data Management and Storage in the Cloud

Data Management and Storage in the Cloud

26 Stunden 15 Minuten Einsteiger universal_currency_alt 12 Guthabenpunkte

This is the second of five courses in the Google Cloud Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll explore how data is structured and organized. You’ll gain hands-on experience with the data lakehouse architecture and cloud components like BigQuery, Google Cloud Storage, and DataProc to efficiently store, analyze, and process large datasets.

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Skill-Logo für Data Management and Storage in the Cloud
  • Explain how data is defined and structured in BigQuery and Google Cloud Storage.
  • Identify the key components that make up a data lakehouse architecture.
  • Explain how partitioning can improve query performance and reduce costs.
  • Define key components of data governance.
Verfügbare Sprachen
English, español (Latinoamérica) und português (Brasil)