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Getting Started with Security Command Center Enterprise

Getting Started with Security Command Center Enterprise

4 ore Intermedio universal_currency_alt 1 credito

This course provides a comprehensive overview of Google Cloud Security Command Center (SCC) Enterprise, a Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) solution that helps organizations prevent, detect, and respond to threats across Google Cloud services.

You will learn about core SCC Enterprise features, including enhanced threat detection, in-depth vulnerability management, and integrated case management.

Fundamental concepts in threat management and vulnerability assessment will also be covered, along with practical demonstrations of how to use SCC Enterprise to identify, investigate, and remediate security risks within your multi-cloud environment.

Completa questa attività e ottieni un badge! Fai un passo avanti nella tua carriera nel cloud mostrando a tutti le tue nuove capacità.

Badge per Getting Started with Security Command Center Enterprise
Informazioni corso
  • Describe SCC Enterprise’s core functionality and additional features
  • Explore SCC Enterprise’s vulnerability management features
  • Leverage SCC Enterprise’s threat detection features
  • Course conclusion

Baseline experience with cloud infrastructure and security, as well as familiarity with the Google Cloud Console is recommended

Customers, Partners, Googlers
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