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    Trust and Security with Google Cloud

    Trust and Security with Google Cloud

    magic_button Identity and Access Management Access Control Cloud Security Data Privacy Security Data Security Google Cloud Platform Network Security Google Cloud Services Cloud Computing
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    1 heure 15 minutes Débutant universal_currency_alt Sans frais

    As organizations move their data and applications to the cloud, they must address new security challenges. The Trust and Security with Google Cloud course explores the basics of cloud security, the value of Google Cloud's multilayered approach to infrastructure security, and how Google earns and maintains customer trust in the cloud.

    Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

    Complete this activity and earn a badge! Boost your cloud career by showing the world the skills you’ve developed.

    Informations sur le cours
    • Identify fundamental security concepts.
    • Explore the business value of Google’s defense-in-depth multilayered approach to infrastructure security.
    • Learn how Google Cloud works to earn and maintain customer trust in the cloud.


    Any business professional or team in an organization interested in learning about cloud security and Google Cloud technology.
    Langues disponibles
    English, español (Latinoamérica), français, 日本語 et português (Brasil)