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AppSheet Administration

AppSheet Administration

magic_button AppSheet No-code
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8 Stunden Mittelstufe universal_currency_alt No cost

This course teaches you how to administer Google AppSheet, a no-code app development platform. In this course, you learn how to plan an AppSheet rollout strategy in your enterprise. You also learn how to manage AppSheet teams by using the standard or organizational model, and how to implement governance policies. We discuss how data sources and sample apps can be shared within the enterprise, and the options available for external integration and monitoring with AppSheet.

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Skill-Logo für AppSheet Administration
  • Administer Google AppSheet, a no-code app development platform.
  • Plan an AppSheet rollout within an enterprise.
  • Understand the types of AppSheet roles and management models.
  • Implement governance policies in AppSheet.
  • Understand how to create and share sample apps and databases.
  • Describe the external integration and monitoring options in AppSheet.
Google Workspace Administrators AppSheet service owners or leads Partners
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