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NetApp: Build, Protect and Govern your Data Infrastructure On Google Cloud

NetApp: Build, Protect and Govern your Data Infrastructure On Google Cloud

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7시간 45분 입문 universal_currency_alt 크레딧 9개
It’s no secret today that data is growing rapidly and considered the most critical asset of any organization. NetApp and Google Cloud play an instrumental role in enabling you to optimally store, protect and govern your data. With NetApp Cloud Manager and NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP data storage technology that utilizes Google Cloud compute, storage and networking infrastructure, you can easily manage storage operations and meet the requirements of any workload.

This quest is the first quest of its kind, involving NetApp technology on Google Cloud. In this quest you will get hands-on practice on using NetApp Cloud Manager and Cloud Volumes ONTAP and learn about the capabilities delivered such as multi-protocol data access, built-in storage efficiencies and data protection features, remote caching and more.

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NetApp: Build, Protect and Govern your Data Infrastructure On Google Cloud 배지
과정 정보
  • Get to know NetApp Cloud Manager and deploy NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP for Google Cloud on top of Compute Engine, Persistent Disk, and Cloud Storage, and manage NFS workloads.
  • Protect and secure your data with NetApp built-in snapshots, backups and disaster recovery capabilities.
  • Optimize storage usage with deduplication, compression and intelligent data tiering, and manage SMB workloads.
  • Manage NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP using additional advanced management tools.
  • Configure built-in remote caching capability to get local-like access while reducing WAN latency, and WAN bandwidth costs.
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Coursera Pluralsight 에서 Google Cloud 콘텐츠를 살펴보세요.
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