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Google Cloud Solutions I: Scaling Your Infrastructure

Google Cloud Solutions I: Scaling Your Infrastructure

magic_button Cloud Infrastructure Scaling Load Balancing
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4 jam Advanced universal_currency_alt 18 Kredit
In this course you will learn how you to harness serious Google Cloud power and infrastructure. The hands-on labs will give you use cases and you will be tasked with implementing scaling practices utilized by Google’s very own Solutions Architecture team. From developing enterprise grade load balancing and autoscaling, to building continuous delivery pipelines, Google Cloud Solutions I: Scaling your Infrastructure will teach you best practices for taking your Google Cloud projects to the next level.

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Badge untuk Google Cloud Solutions I: Scaling Your Infrastructure
Info Kursus
This course expects solid hands-on proficiency with Google Cloud workflows and processes, especially those involving multiple services working together. It is recommended that the student have at least earned a badge by completing the hands-on labs in the Kubernetes Solutions and Networking in the Google Cloud courses before beginning.
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Badge apa yang bisa saya dapatkan?
Setelah menyelesaikan kursus, Anda akan mendapatkan badge kelulusan. Badge dapat dilihat di profil dan dibagikan di jaringan sosial Anda.
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Jelajahi konten Google Cloud di Coursera dan Pluralsight.
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