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Understanding Cloud Spanner

Understanding Cloud Spanner

magic_button Database Relational Database Cloud Spanner
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40 hours Introductory universal_currency_alt 12 Credits

In this course you will learn about Cloud Spanner. You will get an introduction to Cloud Spanner, contrasting it with other Database products to understand when and how to use Spanner to solve your relational database needs at scale. You will learn how to create and manage Spanner databases using various tools on Google Cloud, learn to optimize relational schemas with Spanner’s distributed database model in mind, interact with your Spanner databases using the Spanner APIs, integrate Spanner with your applications, and learn how to use other Google tools for administering Spanner databases and managing your data.

Complete this activity and earn a badge! Boost your cloud career by showing the world the skills you’ve developed.

Badge for Understanding Cloud Spanner
Course Info
  • Build scalable, managed, relational databases by using Cloud Spanner.
  • Create and manage Cloud Spanner databases by using the CLI, Terraform, Python API, and the Google Cloud console.
  • Program and run queries and transactions by using the Cloud Spanner API.
  • Integrate Cloud Spanner with applications.
Some prior Google Cloud experience at the fundamental level and experience with relational databases, the SQL language, and some programming are assumed.
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