Developing Applications with Cloud Run on Google Cloud: Fundamentals
Developing Applications with Cloud Run on Google Cloud: Fundamentals
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This course introduces the Cloud Run serverless platform for running applications.
In this course, you learn about the fundamentals of Cloud Run, its resource model and the container lifecycle.
You learn about service identities, how to control access to services, and how to develop and test your
application locally before deploying it to Cloud Run. The course also teaches you how to integrate
with other services on Google Cloud so you can build full-featured applications.
Información del curso
- Understand the fundamentals of Cloud Run that include the resource model, container lifecycle, and autoscaling.
- Develop and test applications locally before deploying to Cloud Run.
- Use service identity and IAM with Cloud Run.
- Integrate Cloud Run applications with Google Cloud services.
Requisitos previos
Knowledge of Google Cloud console, gcloud CLI, and basic
programming experience in Node.js or Python.
Understanding of HTTP, and experience with using HTTP client tools like curl.
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Idiomas disponibles
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