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Media Rendering with Google Cloud

Media Rendering with Google Cloud

magic_button Media Rendering Compute Engine
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2 godz. 15 godz. Wprowadzające universal_currency_alt Punkty: 6

This course acquaints learners with the benefits of using Google Cloud to create large-scale visual effects rendering for image and video content. These benefits include creating a rendering infrastructure on-demand in a cost-effective manner by using partner solutions or your own custom solution. The course also covers Compute Engine, managed instance groups, and storage.

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Odznaka za ukończenie szkolenia Media Rendering with Google Cloud
Informacje o szkoleniu
  • List the services that are required for a baseline architecture for content rendering.
  • Outline how to set up a Google Cloud based render farm.
  • Outline how to set up a hybrid render farm.
  • List some best practices for visual effects rendering and render farms.
Wymagania wstępne
Having completed the course titled 'Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure' or having equivalent experience General computer networking experience General familiarity with special effects rendering technologies
Business decision makers, Cloud architects, API engineers and developers, Cloud developers
Dostępne języki
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