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Design Foundations for Streaming with Google Cloud

Design Foundations for Streaming with Google Cloud

magic_button Streaming CDN
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This course shows learners the benefits of using Google Cloud to stream and broadcast content. The course provides a high-level overview of the infrastructure required for streaming and broadcasting.

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Info Kursus
  • List the services that are required for a baseline architecture for streaming and broadcasting (compute, networking, data, etc)
  • Describe the differences between streaming and broadcasting, both from Google Cloud.
  • Describe key industry specific products that support streaming (Media CDN, Transcoder API, etc.)
  • Outline how to configure assets in Google Cloud for the optimal performance of streaming around the world.
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure (or equivalent experience). General computer networking experience. General familiarity with streaming technologies.
Cloud Architect/Technical Architect, Business Decision Maker
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Jelajahi konten Google Cloud di Coursera dan Pluralsight.
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