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Introduction to Cloud Identity

Introduction to Cloud Identity

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3 horas 15 minutos universal_currency_alt No cost
Introduction to Cloud Identity serves as the starting place for any new Cloud Identity, Identity/Access Management/Mobile Device Management admins as they begin their journey of managing and establishing security and access management best practices for their organization. This 15-30 hour accelerated, one-week course will leave you feeling confident to utilize the basic functions of the Admin Console to manage users, control access to services, configure common security settings, and much more. Through a series of introductory lessons, step-by-step hands-on exercises, Google knowledge resources, and knowledge checks, learners can expect to leave this training with all of the skills they need to get started as new Cloud Identity Administrators.

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Informações sobre o curso
  • Establish a Cloud Identity domain for their organization or personal domain.
  • Add users in order to practice user lifecycle management.
  • Modify user permissions to gain an understanding of core Cloud Identity features.
  • Add mobile devices within the Google Mobile Management module.
  • Modify mobile management policy sets to gain familiarity with product options.
  • Navigate the Reports module, and practice running reports.
  • Explore and apply different security protocols to the domain.
Idiomas disponíveis
O que eu faço quando terminar o curso?
Ao final do curso, você pode navegar pelo conteúdo complementar do programa de aprendizado ou conferir nosso catálogo.
Quais selos eu posso ganhar?
Ao terminar um curso, você receberá um selo de conclusão. Os selos são exibidos no seu perfil e podem ser compartilhados nas suas redes sociais.
Tem interesse em participar desse curso com um dos nossos parceiros?
Confira o conteúdo do Google Cloud no Coursera e no Pluralsight.
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