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The Modern Data Platform and LookML

The Modern Data Platform and LookML

magic_button Looker Database Schema Data Management
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1 hora 45 minutos Introdutório universal_currency_alt No cost
This course provides an introduction to databases and summarized the differences in the main database technologies. This course will also introduce you to Looker and how Looker scales as a modern data platform. In the lessons, you will build and maintain standard Looker data models and establish the foundation necessary to learn Looker's more advanced features.

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Selo para The Modern Data Platform and LookML
Informações sobre o curso
  • Gain an overview of databases and their various types including transactional analytical
  • Learn about the future of database technology and the importance of Looker as a flexible data platform
  • Investigate how teams can move beyond Business Intelligence with a modern data platform
  • Explain the architecture of the Looker platform, including new fields and explores
  • Write basic LookML and utilize Git version control
  • Utilize LookML best practices to build Explores users will love
  • Understand the difference between LookML objects and files
Idiomas disponíveis
O que eu faço quando terminar o curso?
Ao final do curso, você pode navegar pelo conteúdo complementar do programa de aprendizado ou conferir nosso catálogo.
Quais selos eu posso ganhar?
Ao terminar um curso, você receberá um selo de conclusão. Os selos são exibidos no seu perfil e podem ser compartilhados nas suas redes sociais.
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Confira o conteúdo do Google Cloud no Coursera e no Pluralsight.
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