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Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud

Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud

magic_button Machine Learning Machine Learning Models Big Data
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8時間 入門 universal_currency_alt クレジット: 9

The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for individuals with little to no background or experience in cloud computing. They provide an overview of concepts central to cloud basics, big data, and machine learning, and where and how Google Cloud fits in.

By the end of the series of courses, learners will be able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills.

The courses should be completed in the following order:

1. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals

2. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud

3. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud

4. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud

This final course in the series reviews managed big data services, machine learning and its value, and how to demonstrate your skill set in Google Cloud further by earning Skill Badges.


Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud のバッジ
  • Discover a variety of managed big data services in the cloud.
  • Explain what machine learning is, the terminology used, and its value proposition.
New-to-industry learners
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オンデマンド パートナーを介してこのコースの受講を希望される場合
Coursera および Pluralsight で Google Cloud のコンテンツをご確認ください。