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1056 results

  1. Lab Featured

    Cloud Spanner - Database Fundamentals

    In this lab, you perform basic administrative tasks within a Cloud Spanner instance.

  2. Lab Featured

    Getting Started with Redis and RediSearch

    In this lab you will use Redis and RediSearch, an add-on module that enables full-text search and secondary indexing in Redis, to install and run a Redis instance, import example hashes, index them with RediSearch, and query them.

  3. Lab Featured

    Create a role in Google Cloud IAM

    Create a custom role and grant access to a user.

  4. Lab Featured

    Generative AI: Associate Cloud Engineer Revision

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Associate Cloud Engineer

  5. Lab Featured

    Generative AI: Cloud Digital Leader Revision

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Cloud Digital Leader

  6. Lab Featured

    Predict Taxi Fare with a BigQuery ML Forecasting Model

    In this lab, you explore millions of New York City yellow taxi cab trips available in a BigQuery Public Dataset, create a machine learning model inside of BigQuery to predict the fare, and evaluate the performance of your model to make predictions.

  7. Lab Featured

    Creating and managing SQL pipelines

    Create a BigQuery schema

  8. Lab Featured

    Extract, Analyze, and Translate Text from Images with the Cloud ML APIs

    Use the Cloud Vision, Natural Language, and Translation APIs to capture text strings from images, recognize characters, and analyze and translate the text strings into other languages.

  9. Lab Featured

    Cloud Scheduler: Qwik Start

    In this lab you'll create a recurring Cloud Scheduler job that specifies a Pub/Sub topic as the job target.

  10. Lab Featured

    Practice transformation methods

    Explore public datasets in BigQuery