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1047 条结果

  1. 实验 精选

    IAM Custom Roles

    Cloud IAM provides the right tools to manage resource permissions with minimum fuss and high automation. You do not directly grant users permissions. Instead, you grant them roles, which bundle one or more permissions. This allows you to map job functions within your company to groups and roles.

  2. 实验 精选

    Creating Permanent Tables and Access-Controlled Views in BigQuery

    This lab focuses on how to create new permanent reporting tables and logical reviews from an existing ecommerce dataset.

  3. 实验 精选

    The Basics of Google Cloud Compute: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in The Basics of Google Cloud Compute quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  4. 实验 精选

    Using the Natural Language API from Google Docs

    In this hands-on lab, you use Apps Script to call the Natural Language API from Google Docs to analyze the sentiment of selected text in the document.

  5. 实验 精选

    Compute Engine: Qwik Start - Windows

    利用 Google Compute Engine,您可以在 Google 基础架构上创建并运行虚拟机。在本实验中,您可以在 Google Compute Engine 中创建 Windows Server 实例,并通过 RDP 访问该实例。观看简短的预览视频:GCP 基础知识 - 启动 Windows Server 实例。

  6. 实验 精选

    Reinforcement Learning: Qwik Start

    In this lab, you will learn and get hands-on practice with the fundamental concepts of Reinforcement Learning.

  7. 实验 精选

    Model dimensions and measures using LookML

    Use Looker to create new measures and dimensions

  8. 实验 精选

    Ingesting DICOM Data with the Healthcare API

    In this lab you will learn the basic functionality of Cloud Healthcare API using Digital Imaging and Commmuniations in Medicine (DICOM) data model.

  9. 实验 精选

    Provision Services with Google Cloud Marketplace

    In this hands-on lab you'll learn how to use Google Cloud Platform's Marketplace to quickly get started with common operating systems, web frameworks, and databases.

  10. 实验 精选

    Classify Text into Categories with the Natural Language API

    In this lab you'll learn how to classify text into categories using the Natural Language API