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1048 条结果

  1. 实验 精选

    Build a BI Dashboard Using Looker Studio and BigQuery

    In this lab, you will learn how to build a BI dashboard with Looker Studio as the front end, powered by BigQuery on the back end.

  2. 实验 精选

    Arcade Hero: Enter the PubSub

    Arcade Hero: PubSub Level One

  3. 实验 精选

    Deploy and Test a Visual Inspection AI Component Anomaly Detection Solution

    In this lab, you learn how to deploy and test a Visual Inspection AI Component Anomaly Detection solution.

  4. 实验 精选

    Classify Images of Cats and Dogs using Transfer Learning

    In this lab, you will learn how to classify images of cats and dogs by using transfer learning from a pre-trained network.

  5. 实验 精选

    Dataproc:Qwik Start - 命令行

    本实验向您介绍如何创建 Google Cloud Dataproc 集群、在该集群中运行简单的 Apache Spark 作业以及修改该集群中的工作器数量,所有这些操作都通过 gcloud 命令行完成。欢迎观看下面两个简短视频:Dataproc:Qwik Start - Qwiklabs 预览和通过 Cloud Dataproc 更快地运行 Spark 和 Hadoop。

  6. 实验 精选

    Generative AI: Go Mandarin Chinese

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about Chinese

  7. 实验 精选

    Datastream: PostgreSQL Replication to BigQuery

    In this lab you will replicate data from a PostgreSQL database to BigQuery.

  8. 实验 精选

    Identify different batch and streaming data sources

    Differentiate between batch and streaming data sources, formats, and frequency

  9. 实验 精选

    Generative AI: Go French

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about French

  10. 实验 精选

    Cloud Source Repositories: Qwik Start

    In this lab you will create a local Git repository that contains files for a sample App Engine application, add a GCP repository as a remote, and push the contents of the local repository.

  11. 实验 精选

    Arcade Hero: Enter the Artifact Registry Container

    Arcade Hero: Artifact Registry Level One

  12. 实验 精选

    Ingesting New Datasets into BigQuery

    This lab focuses on how to ingest new datasets into tables inside of BigQuery.

  13. 实验 精选

    Share Data using Google Data Cloud: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Share Data using Google Data Cloud course. Are you ready for the challenge?

  14. 实验 精选

    Creating Permanent Tables and Access-Controlled Views in BigQuery

    This lab focuses on how to create new permanent reporting tables and logical reviews from an existing ecommerce dataset.

  15. 实验 精选

    Datastore: Qwik Start

    This hands-on lab will show you how to store and query data in Google Cloud Datastore using the Google Cloud Platform.

  16. 实验 精选

    Working with JSON, Arrays, and Structs in BigQuery

    In this lab, you work with semi-structured data (ingesting JSON, Array data types) inside of BigQuery. You practice loading, querying, troubleshooting, and unnesting various semi-structured datasets.

  17. 实验 精选

    Google Cloud Storage - Bucket Lock

    In this lab, you learn how to use Google Cloud Storage Bucket Lock to manage object retention.

  18. 实验 精选

    Explore a lakehouse

    Use a data lakehouse and combine data on GCS with BigQuery

  19. 实验 精选

    Cloud Storage:Qwik Start - CLI/SDK

    本实操实验将向您介绍如何使用 gsutil 命令行工具执行 Cloud Storage 中的基本任务。观看短视频:Google Cloud Storage:超强可伸缩性及更多功能。

  20. 实验 精选

    Cloud Storage:Qwik Start - Cloud 控制台

    本实操实验将向您介绍如何使用 Google Cloud 控制台执行 Cloud Storage 中的基本任务。欢迎观看以下短视频:Google Cloud Storage:超强可伸缩性及更多功能。

  21. 实验 精选

    Deploy a Streamlit App Integrated with Gemini Pro on Cloud Run

    In this lab, you will learn how to deploy a Streamlit app integrated with Gemini Pro on Cloud Run.

  22. 实验 精选

    Troubleshooting and Solving Data Join Pitfalls

    In this lab, you explore the relationships between data tables and the pitfalls to avoid when joining them together.

  23. 实验 精选

    APIs Explorer: Qwik Start

    Upload an image to Cloud Storage then make a request to the Vision API with APIs Explorer.

  24. 实验 精选

    Arcade Hero: Enter the Source Repository

    Arcade Hero: Source Repository Level One

  25. 实验 精选

    Set Up a Query-based Alert By Using MQL: Qwik Start

    Learn how to monitor an Apache Web Server installed on a Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instance using Ops Agent.

  26. 实验 精选

    Deploy, Scale, and Update Your Website on Google Kubernetes Engine

    Deploy a website to Google Kubernetes Engine, scale it out to more instances, and deploy a new version using Rolling Updates.

  27. 实验 精选

    Designing and Querying Bigtable Schemas

    In this lab, you explore a Bigtable instance and use the Bigtable CLI (cbt CLI) to query data in Bigtable. You also design a table schema and row key using best practices for Bigtable.

  28. 实验 精选

    Creating Measures and Dimensions Using LookML

    In this lab, you build dimensions and measures in LookML and learn about different types of dimensions and measures that Looker supports.

  29. 实验 精选

    Cloud Natural Language API:Qwik Start

    借助 Cloud Natural Language API,您可以从文本中提取实体并执行情感和语法分析。欢迎观看下面两个简短视频:使用 Cloud Natural Language 从文本中获取有价值的数据洞见和 Cloud Natural Language:Qwik Start - Qwiklabs 预览。

  30. 实验 精选

    Creating Spanner Instances and Databases (Console)

    In this lab, you create Spanner instances and databases using the Google Cloud Console.

  31. 实验 精选

    Arcade Hero: Enter the Inbound Firewall

    Arcade Hero: Firewall Level One

  32. 实验 精选

    Bracketology with Google Machine Learning

    In this lab, you use BigQuery to analyze the public NCAA dataset and BigQuery ML to predict NCAA tournament brackets.

  33. 实验 精选

    Use APIs to Work with Cloud Storage: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Use APIs to Work with Cloud Storage quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  34. 实验 精选

    Administering an AlloyDB Database

    In this lab, you perform administrative tasks that are essential to the optimal use of an AlloyDB for PostgreSQL database.

  35. 实验 精选

    Change firewall rules using Terraform and Cloud Shell

    Change firewall rules using Terraform.

  36. 实验 精选

    Using the Google Cloud Speech API: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Using the Google Cloud Speech API quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  37. 实验 精选

    Tag and Discover BigLake Data: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Tag and Discover BigLake Data course. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  38. 实验 精选

    Weather Data in BigQuery

    In this lab you analyze historical weather observations using BigQuery in conjunction with other datasets

  39. 实验 精选

    Optimizing Performance of LookML Queries

    In this lab, you learn how to optimize query performance in Looker.

  40. 实验 精选

    Ingesting HL7v2 Data with the Healthcare API

    In this lab you will discover and use the basic functionality of Cloud Healthcare API using HL7v2 messages.

  41. 实验 精选

    Google Kubernetes Engine:Qwik Start

    Google Kubernetes Engine 提供了一个托管式环境,您可以使用 Google 基础设施在其中部署、管理和扩缩容器化应用。本动手实验将介绍如何使用 Kubernetes Engine 部署一个容器化应用。

  42. 实验 精选

    Bigtable: Qwik Start - Command Line

    Cloud Bigtable is Google's NoSQL Big Data database service. It's the same database that powers many core Google services, including Search, Analytics, Maps, and Gmail. In this lab you'll use Bigtable with the cbt command line. Watch the short videos Bigtable: Qwik Start - Qwiklabs Preview and Handle Massive Worklo…

  43. 实验 精选

    Arcade Hero: Enter the Storage

    Arcade Hero: Cloud Storage Level One

  44. 实验 精选

    简要介绍使用 Gemini 进行函数调用

    在此实验中,您将学习如何将 Vertex AI Gemini API 与 Python 版 Vertex AI SDK 搭配使用,以便通过 Gemini Pro (gemini-pro) 模型进行函数调用。

  45. 实验 精选

    Terraform 基础知识

    在本实操实验中,您将在云环境中使用 Terraform 创建基础架构,即一个虚拟机。

  46. 实验 精选

    Network Tiers - Optimizing Network Spend

    In this lab, you create one VM in the premium network service tier (default) and one VM in the standard network service tier. Then you compare the latency and routes for each VM instance.

  47. 实验 精选

    Secure Software Supply Chain: Create and Use Cloud Workstations

    In this lab, you will use Cloud Workstations to create a workstation configuration and launch a new workstation instance from that configuration.

  48. 实验 精选

    Building Demand Forecasting with BigQuery ML

    In this lab you will build a time series model to forcast demand of multiple products using BigQuery ML. This lab is based on a blog post and featured in an episode of Cloud OnAir.

  49. 实验 精选

    Generative AI: Data Engineer Revision

    Arcade chatbot lab to learn about the Professional Data Engineer

  50. 实验 精选

    Google Cloud Speech API:Qwik Start

    Google Cloud Speech API 可用于将语音识别技术集成到开发者应用中,让您在发送音频后能收到转写成的文字。欢迎观看下面两个简短视频:基于 Google 机器学习的强大语音识别技术和 Google Cloud Speech:Qwik Start - Qwiklabs 预览。