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94 条结果

  1. 课程 精选

    Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process - 简体中文

    本课程指导学员运用久经考验的设计模式在 Google Cloud 上构建高度可靠且高效的解决方案。它是“Google Compute Engine 架构设计”或“Google Kubernetes Engine 架构设计”课程的延续,并假定您有使用其中任何一门课程所涵盖技术的实践经验。通过一系列演示、设计活动和动手实验,学员可以了解如何定义及平衡业务要求和技术要求,以便设计可靠性和可用性高、安全且经济实惠的 Google Cloud 部署。

  2. 课程 精选

    Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales

    This course, Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales, is intended for non-English learners. If you want to take this course in English, please enroll in Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud. The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for i…

  3. 课程 精选

    Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Foundations with Anthos

    Welcome to Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Foundations with Anthos! This is the first course of the Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos path. Anthos enables you to build and manage modern applications, and gives you the freedom to choose where to run them. Anthos gives you one consistent experience …

  4. 实验 精选

    在 Google Cloud 中执行基本的基础设施任务:实验室挑战赛

    此实验室挑战赛针对“在 Google Cloud 中执行基本的基础设施任务”而设,旨在检验您从该挑战任务的各个实验中学到的技能和知识。在尝试此挑战赛之前,您应该先熟悉各个实验的内容。

  5. 实验 精选

    Infrastructure as Code with Terraform

    In this lab, you will explore how terraform can be used to create, manage, and destroy Google Cloud resources.

  6. 课程 精选

    Managing Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform

    In this Quest, the experienced user of Google Cloud will learn how to describe and launch cloud resources with Terraform, an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned. In these nine hands-on la…

  7. 课程 精选

    Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS Professionals

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS Professionals course, where you learn how to configure IAM permission, orchestrate workloads using Kubernetes, host a web application using compute engine, and configure load balancing. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issu…

  8. 课程 精选

    Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud

    Many traditional enterprises use legacy systems and applications that often struggle to achieve the scale and speed needed to meet modern customer expectations. Business leaders and IT decision makers constantly have to choose between maintenance of legacy systems and investing in innovative new products and servi…

  9. 课程 精选

    Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for Azure Professionals

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for Azure Professionals course, where you learn how to configure IAM permission, orchestrate workloads using Kubernetes, host a web application using compute engine, and configure load balancing. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge is…

  10. 课程 精选

    Advanced ML: ML Infrastructure

    Machine Learning is one of the most innovative fields in technology, and the Google Cloud Platform has been instrumental in furthering its development. With a host of APIs, GCP has a tool for just about any machine learning job. In this advanced-level quest, you will get hands-on practice with machine learning at …