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Google Cloud 提供 980 多项学习活动供您选择,我们设计的目录完整全面,充分考虑了您的需求。该目录包含各种可供您选择的活动形式,既有简短的单个实验,也有由视频、文档、实验和测验组成的多模块课程,您可以根据需求进行选择。我们的实验可为您提供实际云资源的临时凭据,以便您通过实际操作掌握 Google Cloud 知识。您可以跟踪、衡量和了解自己的 Google Cloud 学习进度,完成学习活动即可赢取徽章!

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94 条结果

  1. 课程 精选

    Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud

    Complete the intermediate Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles using Terraform, provisioning and managing Google Cloud resources with Terraform configurations, effective state management (local and remote), a…

  2. 课程 精选


    如果您是新手云开发人员,希望在GCP Essentials之外寻求动手实践,那么此任务适合您。通过深入研究Cloud Storage和其他关键应用程序服务(如Stackdriver和Cloud Functions)的实验室,您将获得实践经验。通过执行此任务,您将开发适用于任何GCP计划的宝贵技能。 1分钟的视频向您介绍这些实验室的关键概念。

  3. 课程 精选

    Managing Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform

    In this Quest, the experienced user of Google Cloud will learn how to describe and launch cloud resources with Terraform, an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned. In these nine hands-on la…

  4. 课程 精选

    Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales

    This course, Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales, is intended for non-English learners. If you want to take this course in English, please enroll in Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud. The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for i…

  5. 实验 精选

    在 Google Cloud 上使用 Terraform 构建基础设施:实验室挑战赛

    在本实验室挑战赛中,我们会检验您在使用 Terraform 导入、创建、重新预配、销毁和更新基础设施方面的知识。

  6. 实验 精选

    使用 Terraform 实现基础设施即代码

    在本实操实验中,您将学习如何使用 Terraform 在云环境中构建、更改、预配和销毁基础设施。

  7. 课程 精选

    Creating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform

    In this quest you will get hands-on experience writing infrastructure as code with Terraform.

  8. 课程 精选

    Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation - 简体中文

    这门自助式速成课程向学员介绍 Google Cloud 提供的灵活全面的基础架构和平台服务,其中着重介绍了 Compute Engine。学员将通过一系列视频讲座、演示和动手实验,探索和部署各种解决方案元素,包括网络、虚拟机和应用服务等基础架构组件。您将学习如何通过控制台和 Cloud Shell 使用 Google Cloud。您还将了解云架构师角色、基础架构设计方法以及虚拟网络配置和虚拟私有云 (VPC)、项目、网络、子网、IP 地址、路由及防火墙规则。

  9. 课程 精选

    Google Cloud Solutions I: Scaling Your Infrastructure

    In this course you will learn how you to harness serious Google Cloud power and infrastructure. The hands-on labs will give you use cases and you will be tasked with implementing scaling practices utilized by Google’s very own Solutions Architecture team. From developing enterprise grade load balancing and autosca…

  10. 课程 精选

    Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS Professionals

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS Professionals course, where you learn how to configure IAM permission, orchestrate workloads using Kubernetes, host a web application using compute engine, and configure load balancing. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issu…