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With 980+ learning activities to choose from, Google Cloud has designed our comprehensive catalog with you in mind. The catalog consists of a variety of activity formats for you to pick from. Choose from bite-size individual labs or multi-module courses that consist of videos, documents, labs, and quizzes. Our labs give you temporary credentials to actual cloud resources, so you can learn Google Cloud using the real thing. Earn badges for what you complete, define, track, and measure your success with Google Cloud!

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42 results

  1. Lab Featured

    Getting Started with the Vertex AI Gemini API and Python SDK

    In this lab, you will learn how to use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to call the Vertex AI Gemini API.

  2. Lab Featured

    Introduction to Function Calling with Gemini

    In this lab, you learn how to use the Vertex AI Gemini API with the Vertex AI SDK for Python to make function calls via the Gemini Pro (gemini-pro) model.

  3. Lab Featured

    Develop GenAI Apps with Gemini and Streamlit: Challenge Lab

    In this challenge lab, you will act as an Application Developer and/or DevOps Engineer for a Healthy Living oriented company. The company hires you to build, test and deploy a proof of concept for an AI-based chef application built on the Gemini pro model, Streamlit framework and Cloud Run.

  4. Lab Featured

    Getting Started with the Vertex AI Gemini API with cURL

    In this lab, you will learn how to use the Vertex AI Gemini API with cURL commands to interact with the Gemini models.

  5. Lab Featured

    Deploy a Streamlit App Integrated with Gemini Pro on Cloud Run

    In this lab, you will learn how to deploy a Streamlit app integrated with Gemini Pro on Cloud Run.

  6. Course Featured

    Develop GenAI Apps with Gemini and Streamlit

    Complete the intermediate Develop GenAI Apps with Gemini and Streamlit skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: text generation, applying function calls with the Python SDK and the Gemini API, and deploying a Streamlit application with Cloud Run. You will explore different ways to prompt Gemini for text…

  7. Lab Featured

    Multimodality with Gemini

    This lab provides a variety of different use cases enabled by multimodality with Gemini Pro Vision.

  8. Course Featured

    Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace

    Gemini for Google Workspace is an add-on that provides customers with generative AI features in Google Workspace. In this learning path, you learn about the key features of Gemini and how they can be used to improve productivity and efficiency in Google Workspace.

  9. Course Featured

    Gemini for Application Developers

    In this course, you learn how Gemini, a generative AI-powered collaborator from Google Cloud, helps developers build applications. You learn how to prompt Gemini to explain code, recommend Google Cloud services, and generate code for your applications. Using a hands-on lab, you experience how Gemini improves the a…

  10. Course Featured

    Gemini in Google Meet

    Gemini for Google Workspace is an add-on that provides users with access to generative AI features. This course delves into the capabilities of Gemini in Google Meet. Through video lessons, hands-on activities and practical examples, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Gemini features in Google Meet…